“What’s In A Name” watercolor by Amy J Heath
From the moment of your birth your loving parents
gave you a name,
It either came from a family heritage, a memorable
sound or was inspired with the intention of your eventual fame.
A name by itself creates nothing about you that
will become all that you display,
But a lifetime of experiences remembered or psychologically
absorbed will give those you encounter in life an impression
whether or not you intended by it to portray.
A lifetime of loving by your actions those who belong to your
family, friends or even those you regularly meet,
Is the image our Lord God had in mind for you to display, attract
and be remembered as either a passing fancy or a lasting treat.
You have lived with your name’s image with those you lived
with, your friends or those just you met passing others by,
But no matter how that image accompanies you to this
day, sharing whatever love giving you have retained, it’s never
too late to change it for the better if you ask God as you try.

John Woodbery Author. A retired lawyer, John writes novels, short stories, poetry, commentaries on legal subjects, even a song (!). Find his suspense novels on Amazon: Hidden, Earl’s Retreat, Two Tombs Covers.
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