“Car Thief” mixed media by Kathy Hunt
Okay, I didn’t know I had stolen a car. I thought I was in my keyless rental vehicle as I drove away from the Moriarty post office. It was after I started praying in tongues because I felt anxious that my attention went from what I was worried about to what was happening (where I was and what I was doing in that moment). Then, mind blowing moment – “This is NOT my car! Oh, Dear Lord help me! What have I done?” I screamed. Total clarity, in the moment, I made a U-turn and raced back to the post office, parked the car, and rushed into the building. “Did anyone notice that their car was stolen?” I blurted out. That got everyone’s attention (about 8 people in the line to be served and a frazzled clerk behind the counter). No one had missed their car. I gave the keys (that I thought were the owner’s) to the clerk.
Driving away in my rental keyless car, I realized my phone was gone. “Nooooooooo! I left my phone in the other car!”
To make a complicated story short, when I returned to the post office the other car was gone and my phone with it. I ran into Post Office and asked if anyone had returned a phone and then learned that the keys, I had left at the desk earlier were really my son’s keys, which included the only post box key and truck key that he had. So now, I had to return my rental car and catch a flight to Seattle that afternoon.
“Thank You, Jesus, for returning the keys. Thank You.” I raised a hallelujah and started to pray in tongues as I drove off to the airport without my phone. So here is a modern day, techno world problem. I could steal a car because of the new keyless technology, thinking all the time that my key ran the car, when it was the owner’s key lost in the car that was really running the show. All I had to do was press a button to start that car. But here is the clincher, I was so wrapped up in what I had to accomplish that the stench of cigarette smoke, the volunteer fire department patches strewn everywhere, and a pine tree air freshener hanging from the rearview mirror didn’t even register. I had eyes that could not see. It was when I prayed in tongues that Holy Spirit entered into my situation when my eyes really saw. I became aware.
I made it on the plane, back to Seattle and met up with my son at the airport (even without my phone). My son Ian greeted me with, “I have good news and bad news. The good news is that you will get your phone back in two days. The bad news is that Dad is in the ER with blood clots in his lungs and heart problems. I will take you to the hospital, Mom.”
God is so good. Because I had lost my phone and couldn’t play games on the plane, I actually read my bible and pondered for the whole 3-hour flight. I was prepared for the next surprise or suddenly. I raised a prayer of gratitude and declared, “Lord, you returned to me my son’s keys and my phone. I know you will return my Adrian to me.” The Lord did. I asked The Lord what He wanted me to learn from all this. I got, “Be aware. Don’t get distracted. Pray for eyes to see and ears to hear.” I am.
Matthew 13:16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see and your ears, for they hear (KJV)
Ann Kathleen Hunt (Artist) it has only been since my 40’s that I started drawing/painting. I’ve loved stories and writing since I was in grade school. I come from a family of artists and musicians. I have been married to Adrian Hunt for 39 years. We have 5 wonderful adult children with hopes of grandchildren in the future. I have known Christ all of my conscious life but was born in the Spirit when I was pregnant with my last child, Anna. Sonrise Christian Center became a very important part of my life when I started going to The Mother’s Prayer Group. Deborah, Amber and Lorna (the leaders) have and still continue to influence my relationship with God. Both Pastors John and Dan are amazing preachers/teachers and I keep bringing anyone I know, who is interested, to the church.
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