In South America on a large cattle ranch there lived a little boy named Haroldo. His biggest dream in life was to be a cowboy and rope and herd cattle just like his dad.

With only 15 days until Christmas, Haroldo was busily writing Santa Claus asking him for a wooden rocking horse with a leather saddle. He also wanted a poncho to keep him warm while out on the range with his dad. However, there was even more important reason for Haroldo wanting to write Santa Claus before Christmas day. More than anything in the world, Haroldo wanted to know what the real meaning of Christmas was. He airmailed his letter and excitedly waited for Santa’s reply. Every morning he got up early, waiting for the mailman to come.

Finally, just two days before Christmas, the letter from Santa Claus arrived.
It read:
Dear Haroldo,
I received your letter with much joy and happiness in my heart. It’s good to know a small boy like you wants to know the real meaning of Christmas. Some children just want to get presents on Christmas day. So, to find out the real meaning of Christmas, I’m going to take you on a trip to two very special places: one place, the day before Christmas, and the other place, on Christmas morning. I will make a special trip with my sleigh and reindeer to come and get you at your ranch the day before Christmas. You have made this the happiest Christmas for me, ever.
Old Saint Nicholas
Haroldo was so excited he couldn’t sleep a wink all night. Finally, morning came, and he hurriedly ate breakfast and ran out to the front porch to try and see Santa Claus in the sky. Suddenly, it seemed like out of nowhere, there appeared from behind a small cloud, a sleigh and nine tiny reindeer. It landed on top of Haroldo’s house right next to his bedroom window. He ran wildly up the stairs to his bedroom screaming good-bye to his parents on the way. He climbed into Santa’s sleigh and snuggled up to the plump, jolly old man. Then, Santa handed the reins over to Haroldo, and with a snap of the reigns and a jerk of the sleigh the reindeer were off to their first special place.
With Rudolph in the lead, the reindeer guided the sleigh through the sky faster than a falling star. The air grew colder, and the countryside became a blanket of white snow as they got closer and closer. Finally, they arrived with a smooth landing right in front of an old sturdy log cabin. It had a big sign over the front door, which read, “The North Pole —Saint Nicholas Home”. Haroldo helped Santa put the sleigh in the barn, and then they both fed the reindeer for the long trip they would make on Christmas Eve. Afterwards, they both went inside the old log cabin to warm up. To Haroldo’s surprise, next to the fireplace were a wooden rocking horse and a beautiful yellow, orange, blue and brown striped poncho hanging over a leather saddle. Haroldo excitedly jumped on his horse and slipped the poncho over his head pretending to ride furiously after the cattle on his father’s ranch.

All of a sudden, he stopped, realizing the real reason Santa had brought him to the North Pole was to find out the real meaning of Christmas. All this time Santa was patiently sitting in his big over-stuffed chair watching and happily enjoying Haroldo’s excitement with his new gifts.
Santa called Haroldo over to climb up on his big plump lap, to tell him the real meaning of Christmas. After Haroldo had snuggled up to the jolly old man, Santa said, “The real meaning of Christmas is GIVING! Giving yourself, and things to others when they are in need. Also, Haroldo, my real name is Saint Nicholas. I’m only a helpful servant, just like you, to the very One we’re going to visit tomorrow morning. And the things I give as presents only last for a little while. Sooner or later, they get broken or run down. But, after you help me tonight to give the children their gifts, I will take you to the second special place I promised you. There you will find out the true reason for Christmas, which lasts forever.”

It was still dark that Christmas morning by the time Santa and Haroldo had given out all the presents to the children. The only present left in the sleigh was his toy rocking horse. He was wearing his new striped poncho to keep warm in the cold brisk air. Then, with a twinkle in Old Nick’s eye and a quick jerk on the reins, he shouted, “Hold on, we’re going back in time!”
The sleigh took off faster than lightning, and Haroldo shut his eyes since he was so scared. It seemed only minutes later that the sleigh landed upon the roof of a small stable, and Haroldo opened his eyes. He could smell fresh hay and heard the hee-haw of a donkey right underneath him. In the distance was the largest star he had ever seen. It was so bright it outshined all the other stars in the sky. He knew in his heart there was something very amazing about this simple stable and wondered if this was the second special place Saint Nicholas had promised him, they would visit.
Haroldo and Saint Nick silently climbed from the sleigh to the ground. His heart was throbbing with excitement! Who would be in this stable besides the donkey he heard? Haroldo peered around the corner of the stable. To his amazement, there stood a man and a woman with a small baby in a manger next to the donkey.

When Haroldo caught a glimpse of the newborn babe’s face, he knew it was Baby Jesus. He knelt down before Him and slipped his poncho off, putting it over the Christ Child to keep Him warm. As he did this, an overwhelming warmth flooded his heart because he realized the eternal meaning of Christmas was also GIVING! It was God giving Himself to us for our salvation, so we could in turn give to others what we have received. He was so excited he jumped up and was gone to get his wooden rocking horse from the sleigh.
Then Saint Nicholas reverently came forward and knelt down in front of the Christ Child to worship Him. After a while, he pulled from his pocket a wooden cross attached to a gold chain and slipped it over the neck of the newborn babe. On the cross were carved these words “For He is Lord of lords, and King of kings.” He silently got up and, turning around, thanked Haroldo for making this the best Christmas ever for him. He told Haroldo he had to go back to the North Pole now. He said that Baby Jesus had a special surprise for him when it was time to go back home.
Haroldo stepped forward and shyly offered his wooden rocking horse to Joseph and Mary so Jesus could play on it when he got older. The joy in his heart was bursting because he had given his best to the Christ Child.
Then, unexpectedly, the same angel that appeared to the shepherds on the hillsides was standing right next to Haroldo. He told him he was going to carry him back home, back to his time, so he could spend the rest of Christmas day with his family. Haroldo could hardly believe what he was hearing. He was going to be flown home by the angel that announced the birthday of Jesus to the world. He was so excited and scared he tightly shut his eyes as they left the ground. Gradually, Haroldo hesitantly peeked at the vast ocean below as they soared through the sky and time. Finally, they both landed right in front of his house. He thanked the angel and told him to be sure to thank Baby Jesus for such a wonderful Christmas gift.
When he walked into the front room, he found wrapped underneath the Christmas tree, a poncho like the one he put over the Christ Child. Then, his father told him to go out and look in the front yard. When Haroldo opened the front door, he saw the most beautiful spotted pony with the most gorgeous leather saddle he had ever seen. Now he would really be able to ride with his dad on the range. One of the biggest dreams of his life had come true.

But, most important of all Haroldo had truly learned the real reason for Christmas was God GIVING us His only true Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. And the real meaning of Christmas is GIVING your very best to God and others.

Dennis Morrison: Author. Being part of Sonrise since 2001 has given me several kingdom opportunities. It was a real joy helping in Kid’s Church for 18 years. I’ve been part of the Sonrise team praying for people at the Northshore Healing Rooms in Bothell. My most recent surprise adventure was publishing and offering for free “God’s 373 Names” to many people. Find it at the Sonrise Bookstore.

Story Illustrations by Raisa Estrada Is a member of the Prophetic Art team at Sonrise and has been going to this church since 2011. Raisa has been painting and working with colored pencils for 5 years now. She can be reached at
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