The Passion of the Christ by Mille’ Giesecke

This film by Mel Gibson, which came out a number of years ago, presents the Biblical, historical account of Jesus’ final hours (arrest, trial, and crucifixion) on earth. One outcome is certain by the audience upon viewing this film – one cannot remain neutral; the movie demands a response. It is ultimately up to the viewer to make the decision for themselves about who this Jesus is. The choice is clearly put before the viewer, either to choose to believe that Jesus is the God-Man incarnate or choose not to believe this. In the theatre, another outcome certain to follow the conclusion of The Passion is an almost eerie silence on the part of the audience. Why the initial controversy by the liberal establishment regarding this movie? Why is the cross an offence to men?  I Peter 2:8 states, And a Stone that will cause stumbling and a Rock that will give men offense; they stumble because they disobey and disbelieve God’s word…(Amp).

“Crown of Obedience” watercolor by Ann Jackson

Although the intense physical suffering of Jesus is emphasized in the film, I believe that the emotional and spiritual suffering was just as great, or more so. The Romans were responsible for the literal physical death of Jesus, but all humanity contributed to His spiritual death, i.e. – man physically crucified Jesus, but you and I spiritually killed or crushed Him by the weight of the burden of our sins. 2 Corinthians 5:21 states, For our sake He made Christ to be sin Who knew no sin…

After reflecting upon The Passion several days after viewing the film, I realized that the powerful imagery in the Garden of Gethsemane scene led me to new insight.  Jesus’ triumphant defeat of Satan occurred foremost in the Garden (of prayer). The battle over the flesh was won; Jesus submitted to the will of the Father, thus securing for us reconciliation with Father God. Jesus crushed the head of Satan- Genesis 3:15- And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; He shall bruise and tread your head under foot, and you will lie in wait and bruise His heel. The cross was just the culmination of this victory. This is cause for great rejoicing and celebration!

“SOZO” watercolor and Ink by Ann Jackson

I am grateful that Mel Gibson included the resurrection scene, otherwise, the audience would be left in a state of shock, depression, and hopelessness. Sin is death, but He is the Resurrection and the Life. He has won it (conquered sin and death) – secured the pardon for our sin, bringing victory and hope to humanity!

Mille’ Giesecke is a Seattle native and was blessed to grow up in a Christian family.  She believed in Christ as a child. She graduated from Seattle Pacific University. She received the baptism in the Holy Spirit in her room after learning about it in St. Luke’s Episcopal Church from Dennis Bennett. As wife of Tom and mother of Luke, she made her family a home in various parts of the U.S. while her husband served in the U.S. Navy. She participates in Sonrise’s Women’s Bible Study and a Jesus community with her husband. An avid reader of the Wall Street Journal, she is on top of current events and prays about them. She enjoys bicycling and gardening.


One response to “The Passion of the Christ by Mille’ Giesecke”

  1. Thank you, Mille, for sharing this Easter message!

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