The Misty Dawn a Poem by Barbara Neiman

“Ducks in a row” watercolor by Olga Bekirov

I was out this morning in the misty dawn.

           The lake was tranquil and serene.

Duck feathers floated on the water,

           Like a pathway of rose petals.

A mist hovered over the water,

           Like Your Spirit.

I felt at once peaceful, and yet,

           Restless for wanting more of You.

I see your face in the world of beauty,

           And feel your caress in the gentle breeze.

My heart stands still in silence,

           Awaiting a word from you.

Two white ducks glide by in the rolling mist,

           Their reflections look as real as their bodies.

When oh when, my soul cries out, will I,

           Truly reflect you, my perfect Friend?

I seem to hear you whisper quiet and low,

           “Come, My Beloved,

I want you to be fully aware,

           That I treasure time alone with you.”

A lone boy rows out in a phantom boat

           And retrieves a lost inner tube.

A dragonfly inspects me close,

           And all my fears evaporate.

I met you here in the morning mist,

           Beneath a fading moon.

And now a happy melody

           Fills my heart once more.

The ducks line up and take their rest,

           With heads tucked under their wings.

The sun flows warmth upon my face

           And I dream of You coming soon.

Barbara Neiman© 1979

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at

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