Submit Your Story

crop writer with feather and notepad at table in sunbeam

Standards for Writers

The mission of Sonrise Magazine is to honor our Lord Jesus Christ and express the goodness of God.


Our aim is to build people’s faith and strengthen their walk with God.

While we acknowledge that we live in a fallen world and tragedies happen all around us, we want readers of our Sonrise magazine to feel encouraged and uplifted when reading the articles in each issue.

If an article is to describe a life changed and healed by God following a tragic occurrence, we ask that the author write with sensitivity and that no graphic descriptions be included.

Writers who wish to submit their writing to Sonrise Magazine need to abstain and refrain from writing about the following topics, as spoken of in Acts 15:20 and 29:

1. myths and magic and anything worshiped other than God

2.sexual immorality

3. details of violence

4. details or theme of murder.


Writers will abide by copyright laws.  This includes citing Bible versions and quotes from other sources.

The length of each article should be limited to four pages to optimize magazine readability.

At the beginning the title should be followed by the writer’s name.


All submitted writings will be subject to editing by one of Sonrise Magazine’s editors. Therefore:

  • The document submitted needs to be in Word format.
  • The editor will use Word Review with Tracked Changes to review the submitted writing. The writing will then be returned by the editor to its author for consideration and revision.
  • The editor will preserve the author’s voice and will not rewrite parts of the article. The editor will check grammar and spelling and read the article for consistency and clarity for the reader.
  • Communication between author and editor is encouraged.
  • Then the author will resubmit his or her revision to the editor.  This process will continue until both author and editor are satisfied with the writing.
  • When this process is completed, the editor will submit the final revision to the Sonrise Magazine publisher. In order to allow time for the above process, there needs to be at least one month from the time of the initial writing submission to its earliest potential publication.
  • The editor(s) and publisher reserve the right to accept or reject the writing even if other criteria in these standards are met. The publisher also has the right to hold the writing until such time as the work will be an appropriate fit for the magazine.
  • Submit your article or story to
used pen lot on paper

Illustrations are needed for articles and stories.

Sketches can be Digital, Ink, watercolor, colored pencil, and acrylic.

The Art Director assigns work based on skill and quick turn around to meet the magazine publication deadline.

Please submit 5 examples from your portfolio to