Stephen List talks Moves and Revivals

Conversations with Dr. List

Dr. Stephen List of International Support Ministries had breakfast with me January 25 and shared pieces of his remarkable life for an upcoming book. We’ll be sharing some excerpts in the coming magazine, especially as they relate to current events. – Rick Michels

artwork by Raisa Estrada

The Coming Move of God to the Pacific Northwest: a prophetic vision

Stephen List: There’s so much that’s been happening around the world.

In the revelation that God gave me about the coming apart of the Soviet Union and the rebuilding. The Lord spoke to me that there’s a move coming to the Pacific Northwest. He took me in the spirit and showed me the whole Northwest. It was at nighttime and there were fires burning like embers. There were no flames, just coals that were reddish. They were smoldering. And I saw a hand with a torch in it, like a Roman torch, and it was coming out of the north, and that torch was aflame, it touched down…Vancouver, Seattle, Spokane, Portland, the whole field of coal burst into flames. There was no difference between the cities. The cities were mere land points. But everything between and around them was saturated with fire.

And the Lord spoke to me and He said, “I am bringing in these last days a move of my Spirit, dusting off the coals, and a fire that will sweep of a move of my Spirit all the way across the United States of America.”

And I said, “Lord, why is it coming from where it’s coming from?”

He said, “That fire is coming out of persecution.”

Bob Jones (recently deceased), while sitting with me, told me the vision God gave him of the Northwest: There was a bow with an arrow in it, and it was shot. And it was Spokane, Vancouver, Seattle, Portland.

And that arrow was hitting its mark all the way across and going even into Asia. He said, “There’s coming a move of God that will encompass Asia. It’s going to come out of the Soviet Union, it’s going to be people that have gone through the fire, the former Soviet Union, that God is going to raise up.

Before Bob Jones died, he made a statement to me, sitting on the porch there at the place where we’d go and have our retreat together. He said, “God is going to use some Russian young people full of the Holy Spirit to ignite fires all across the globe.”

And I looked at him…”what?…”

Those coming out of persecution have been refined by the fire. “I’ve been in prayer meetings overseas in China and other places praying for revival of America. I’m hearing saints around the globe praying for a move of God in America.

That’s why Satan’s attacking it like he’s doing. But I know one thing: God will have the final say.

The  fire would spread to the south and east. That’s the way fire moves, you don’t contain it….It goes…and we are right in it. We’re exposed.

But it’s not a revival. The word “revival” means going back to what had been. But what we are crying out for is a move of God’s Spirit that we’ve never seen before.

The Morgan City Revival

The word revival means going back to that which was. I don’t want to go back to what was. I want to see something new happen: people crying in their cars, pulling over the side of the road and just giving their hearts to the Lord. I want to see people falling prostrate on the sidewalks, crying out to God for repentance.

I’ve been in revival, I’ve been in Pensacola and all these other moves of God. I’ve seen it all, but what God has been telling me, and what we are crying out for, is a move of Your Spirit. Because revivals come and go. They revive and then they dissipate. I’m crying out for a move of God’s spirit that will not dissipate.

I know when people say that they are praying for revival, they really don’t understand what they are saying. I know where their heart is. 

I had a revival breakout when I was pastoring in Oklahoma City for days and days and days and days, weeks and weeks and weeks…young people in the high schools getting saved and falling down in the hallways, and fainting.

Later, when the revival broke out at Cornerstone Ministries, Tommy Fromenthal and the elders called me and flew me down there. They said, “Come down and tell us what do you think God’s doing.”

And so I went down there. I was to spend five days. I was there for five days. And the glory of God would move miraculously. There was no schedule…seven days a week a revival was going on.

We’d go to a restaurant – Shoney’s – and pastor Fromenthal and myself would sit down, and all of a sudden everybody stops eating. They would just start weeping…waitresses come…kneeling at the table and saying, “I don’t know who you are, but will you pray for me?…Tears running down their face…”Do you know Jesus?” And the manager finally came to me and he said, “It’s not good for business. Nobody’s eating.”

And the church people were so drunk in the Spirit they couldn’t even drive their cars home. So they had to call for the elders and the deacons to come to the Shoney’s parking lot to drive them with the van, because they were drunk in the Spirit.

After the five days, they took me to New Orleans to put me on the plane to fly back. I got to the checkout, and I went dumb. I couldn’t speak. I had my ticket. And the woman at the counter said, “Where are you going?”

I couldn’t talk. There’s was a line behind me. And the woman said, “Sir, do you mind stepping to the side so that I can get these others checked in?” And I stepped to the side and I looked back and Dave, the pastor who drove me, was saying in a low voice… “YEAH!!!!…..”

I walked up to him. I said, “So it’s you!” Then I said,  “I’m not going on this flight, am I?”

He said, “Uh uh…All the way to the airport, I was praying, ‘God, don’t let him go’.”

So we got in the car and drove 40 miles from the airport back to Morgan City. Took us six and a half hours, 40 miles, driving under the anointing because we would drive, and all of a sudden start talking about the Lord, and we’d slow down to 10, 20 miles an hour and pull over on the side of the road because he couldn’t drive…I couldn’t drive…the whole van was full of the glory of God.

After six and a half hours we finally got to the church and we walked in and there was about 20 women that had been praying at the altar. And they jumped up when they saw us, and started yelling and screaming, and they said, “We prayed you back!”

 So I stayed. I stood up to preach and I couldn’t even open my mouth. I just stood there and stared. Then this one brother from Tallahassee said, “I know what Brother List was gonna speak on!…This Is that…” So he got up and he walked up to the pulpit. I gave him the microphone, and Boom! He falls to the platform and he starts shaking.

So then the pastor, laughing, says, “You two are no good.” So he takes the microphone, touches it, and he falls to the ground.

Then 40 men jump out of the audience and run to the front, crying and repenting and asking God to forgive them of ought against each other that they had.

I was there for another 10 days. The pastor, in meetings we would have to take him, carry him, and put him in the van and lay him on the couch at his home, and he’d wake up in the morning from the anointing.

After one meeting, one of his ladies, an elderly saint, was going home from the service and was pulled over by a police car. An officer got out and walked up to her and said, “Ma’am, you’re driving really slow…have you been drinking?”

“Uh huh,” She said.

“Where, where were you drinking?”

 “At Cornerstone Ministries, down the road,”

“Well, ma’am,” he said, “You better be careful. You better follow me…” And he made the mistake. He reached through the window, touched her on the shoulder, and fell. The deputy got out of the police vehicle and came up to the one on the ground and touched him. Then he fell and they were both on the ground.

And the lady looked at the two on the ground and said to the two officers, “Excuse me boys, I gotta get home,” and drove off.

– Stephen List

2 responses to “Stephen List talks Moves and Revivals”

  1. Yes please oh yes please Father God send a new move of your spirit to our city,our church,our hearts and let it begin in me.

  2. To God be the glory 🙌

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