Seattle Bible College Graduate Testimony By Veronica Hazel

SBC experience: What I learned!

  My experience at SBC has been life-changing!! I began taking classes part-time starting in 2021 after hearing my friend in my bible study group, Jenny Anderson, raving about her SBC experience and what a spiritual experience it was. I felt like I had missed out by not attending bible college, but then I thought, “Well, why can’t I now?”  I just wanted to draw closer to God! Jenny was such an inspiration. I thought if she could do it, being my age and having a bit of a challenge by being blind, then I knew I could do it with the Lord’s help! So, I enrolled and went part-time for two years while working full-time as a Geriatric Nurse. After retiring from nursing in August 2023, I enrolled full-time for my last few quarters. I was scared to death when I started. I had never even written a paper before. With the Lord’s help, I found out I could do it and graduated with my Associate Degree in Biblical Studies last June. I also learned that I love writing and am now writing my first book. 

Veronica Hazel and Jenny Anderson.

This has been the most incredible spiritual experience I have ever had. I grew more spiritually at SBC than in my entire Christian life. This is not just book learning and learning the Bible; it is a profound spiritual experience with the Lord. I did not know who I was in the Lord when I started, still listening to the enemy’s lies even after over 20 years as a Christian. I needed much soul healing. I still thought I was powerless because of all the wounds from my past.

One of the first classes I took was Pastor John Hammer’s class, The Power of a New Identity. This was the foundation I needed to build on. The enemy had convinced me of his lies. Even though I knew the word, I did not believe it. Pastor John’s class taught me to read scriptures that spoke of who you are in Christ daily, which I did, and it worked. The enemy cannot fight against the word of God!!! 

In the Windows to The Father’s Heart class, I learned to know Father God and how to draw closer to Him. Before this class, I had difficulty experiencing and believing in the love of the Father! Because of my past lack of love in my life and wounding experiences, I had a wall up that prevented me from allowing the Father’s love to penetrate my heart! This class helped God’s love break through that wall and flood my heart for the first time. I now know how very much my Abba Father loves me!

I came to know Jesus more personally through Dr. Dan’s class on the Gospel of John. Studying this Gospel in depth brought me a more profound and intimate knowledge of Jesus and a deeper love for Him. This class also helped me see Jesus’ divine side more clearly.

I came to know the Holy Spirit intimately through Lorna’s class, Great Grace. The book for this class was on the life of Benny Hinn. I think the name of the book is Good Morning Holy Spirit! It was a powerful book. I would recommend it to everyone who wants a more intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. Remember, He is a person!

I learned so much more through all the other courses I took. So, I got to know who I was and who God was through the classes on prophecy, spiritual warfare, and deliverance that have helped me fight the battles against the enemy that I have been dealing with my whole life since the loss of my parents over 60 years ago at three years old. 

I attended the Way Conference at Sonrise Christian Center for SBC credit. I experienced much healing through the required reading of the Soul Care book! I recommend this book to all Christians! We all have things from our past that the Lord wants to heal us of that may be holding us back from spiritual growth! Before this conference, the enemy had me convinced the Lord could not use me because of the trauma from my past, that I was too broken and powerless. He had me convinced Holy Spirit would not work through me. I believed I could not hear God’s voice even though I had experienced many visions and dreams before this time! Satan even used depression to keep me down even though I was delivered from major depression 15 years before this time. I could not get out of bed to go to work for three days. Once I recognized what this was, I used the word of God against the enemy as Jesus did. I used Psalms 18 TPT against the enemy, reminding him I was full of the power of God and reminded the enemy that he was defeated! This made the demons flee, and the depression lifted. 

This is just one example of how SBC taught me to fight spiritual battles. The prayer times before class were also powerful. This brought us as classmates together in unity. 

This has all helped prepare me for the ministry I feel the Lord has called me to of healing and deliverance for victims saved out of sex trafficking and anyone dealing with trauma from their past. 

So, thank you, Jesus, for leading me to SBC and helping me every step of the way and for the spiritual growth and healing I received along the way. Thank you, Dr. Kathy, Dr. Dan, and all the instructors I have had during this life-changing experience at SBC. Thank you, Jenny, for your influence and encouragement. I could not have done it without you all!

I recommend every Christian attend Bible College, especially SBC, for anyone who is thinking about attending Bible College or wants to draw closer to God as I did. SBC teaches the entire word of God and does not compromise! This is what we all need!

2 responses to “Seattle Bible College Graduate Testimony By Veronica Hazel”

  1. Very well written and expressed, Veronica! To say the least, what a life changing experience you had over the past three years. Now may our Lord use you in a mighty way to influence and bring healing to others.

  2. Thanks for sharing your inspiring testimony!

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