REVIVAL FIRE, FALL!   By Joyce Olsen


How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? Romans 10:14-15 (NIV)

Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28;18-20 (NIV)

Although the word revival does not appear in the New Testament, all of us are called by the foregoing scriptures to be revivalists. Our Christian experience and walk gives birth within us to the desire to lead others into eternal life. It also brings a restoration of God’s presence and a deeper relationship with him to those who have known him yet drifted from the truth.  Jennifer A. Miskov, Ph.D. Revival Historian, from her Sustain the Flame writings, answers the question, What is Revival, relative to the word’s origin from the Hebrew word חָיָה châyâh which means to live, to revive, to keep, leave, or make alive, to give life, quicken, recover, repair, restore to life, save, be whole.

In less than a week, Friday through Sunday nights, August 9-11, the Sonrise church family will be the hands and feet of Jesus to all the tribes and nations gathered for revival in a 400+ capacity tent, positioned on the grounds of Walter E Hall Park, 1226 W Casino Rd, Everett. The invitation on flyers being distributed says:  FREE!! Want to know more about Jesus? Would you like prayer? Would you like healing? May we offer you some free refreshments? Join us for this Sonrise Christian Center Summer Community event. Each night at 6:00PM we will gather to worship, proclaim the Good News, and pray for the sick and afflicted. On Saturday before the Tent Revival, we will have a BBQ and fun from 2:00-5:00PM. We’ll see you at Walter Hall Park.

Sonrise is no stranger to this park as for the past several years, we have been permitted to use this site for one night.  However, the scope broadened this year as leaders felt the prompting of the Lord for a three-night tent revival, and a desire to build faith throughout the event, from night one to night three. In Pastor John’s words, we have never done a tent revival quite like this before. We’ve done various park outreaches, but this will be a new mission for us. We felt a conviction to present Jesus as our Savior and Lord, Healer and Deliverer, Baptizer in the Holy Spirit and Fire, and the Returning King and Judge all over our city to see revival. Existing teams like the GO team, house of prayer, hospitality, worship, and more were called into action to provide vision, perspective, and support to the task at hand! But anyone in the Sonrise family is welcome to come and join the teams for this weekend event. 

God chartered a smooth course to work through any barriers city planners might have considered that would interrupt forward movement for this event.  Pastor John reports, they were great to work with, we didn’t have any challenges

Revival fever is contagious! Many of us might be wondering what our involvement can be in reaching the City of Everett for Jesus.  Pastor John encourages us, to invite God’s presence at the tent meetings through prayer, attend the event, serve if possible and invite as many people as you can!  Friday and Saturday nights, prayer warriors will be positioned in the tent all night long, interceding for the beautiful presence of God during the services. So, we partner with Jesus as his messengers to sow the seeds of revival through God’s manifest presence and the preaching of the gospel of Jesus that leads to salvation, signs, wonders, miracles, healing, deliverance, filling of the Spirit and conviction for the Lord’s return. 

Pastor John shared what the leaders heard God’s heart speaking through this process, – stick to the original vision of presenting Jesus to our city as well as moving in unusual faith for people to receive life changing miracles as they meet Jesus in freedom and healing. 

Please call Sonrise at 425-355-9129 or email to confirm your availability to help with the tent setup, to join a prayer team, or help in any other way for this event.

Revival Fire Fall!

Joyce Olsen (Sonrise Magazine Editor) Author. Majored in Child Psychology and Elementary Education at Biola University and Fresno State University in California. However, her natural bent seemed to better match business and administration. In those fields, she worked in corporate administration, church administration, and also as an Information Security Analyst in the medical field. The focus of her writing is to inspire and provoke thought.

One response to “REVIVAL FIRE, FALL!   By Joyce Olsen”

  1. Dan HammerHammer Avatar
    Dan HammerHammer

    Great article Joyce!

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