By Mille’ Giesecke
Last year marked the 49th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the decision by which the U.S. Supreme Court, on January 22, 1973, legalized abortion as a constitutional right. Then in June of 2022 the Supreme Court overturned this ruling and sent the decision back to the individual state legislatures for consideration. Some of you may be thinking, so what, and why do we need to hear more dialogue about this issue of abortion? The reason is simple – because the abortion holocaust continues, claiming the lives of over 63 million babies these past 49 years (entering into the 50th year). This number greatly exceeds the total American casualties in all the wars of our nation’s history, which is approximately 1.5 million. This number even greatly exceeds that of Jewish deaths during Hitler’s reign of terror, in which 6 million lives were extinguished.
We need to reflect on the spiritual condition of our nation regarding abortion because to God every human life is precious and sacred; we were made in the image of God (Gen. 1:26). God created everything, but only man is made in God’s image. Abortion is a violent ending of human life. It is an attack on the Creator of that life. Abortion is the destruction of God’s image while it is still in the womb. Why? Read Psalm 139:13-16. We know from this scripture (and there are many more) that human life is valuable to God. In the image of God we were made, male and female. The pro-abortionists will say to us, we are persons because we have quality of life and meaning or purpose. By the standard of God’s word, I say to you, because you are a human being created in the image of God you have the right of personhood and therefore have quality and meaning of life. No court of law or individual can grant you the right of personhood, only God can attribute to human beings personhood; it is a God-given right.
When I became pregnant with my own child and saw the ultrasound at 16 weeks, this had a great impact upon me personally. Even though I knew before viewing the ultrasound that this was a baby inside me, and I had no doubts of this being true because of my many Biology courses in High School and College and also having worked in the medical field, I was moved to tears at the wonder of it all. Reality hit me – it is a baby! I could see clearly that the child was a boy and could see his fingers and toes and all four chambers of the baby’s heart. This brings to mind what I heard a Christian OB physician say: “I believe that if every woman could see an ultrasound of her baby in the womb and hear the heartbeat, she would never have an abortion.”

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I say all this to bring hope to women. My intention is not to condemn, or in any way inflict more guilt upon those who have suffered from an abortion. The church must respond with love and compassion to these women who are victims of abortion and to those still caught in the dilemma of choice. At the same time, we must present to these women the truth and facts about abortion and provide them with positive alternatives to abortion. If respect is not taught for the unborn life in the womb, then it will not be given at the other end of the spectrum either, as evidenced by the acceptance of euthanasia among more and more people. God saves people one by one and calls them out one by one. The mission and challenge to the church, as an old hymn states is “to rescue the perishing, care for the dying; Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save . . . snatch them in pity from sin and the grave; weep over the erring one, lift up the fallen. Tell them of Jesus the mighty to save.”
Some practical ways we, as the Body of Christ, can do this are: Be an intercessor – stand in the gap, become an informed citizen and Christian, give financial support to your local Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) or volunteer your time, open up your home to a pregnant woman or offer practical help, donate baby or maternity clothes or baby equipment to your local PRC, be on a prayer chain for clients/staff etc. and write your legislators or become politically involved if so led.
I did volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center for two years while I lived in Oak Harbor, WA. It was a rewarding experience and I learned a lot. I also witnessed with the women I worked under at the center some of the best role models of Godly Christian women living out their faith in action. While living in Tennessee, I was able to help a single Christian mom. While attending a local university in pursuit of a nursing degree she was raped on the campus grounds. She became pregnant as a result of the rape. She testified that it would have been easier to have obtained an abortion (even though she believed this was wrong) due to the fact that she couldn’t financially afford another baby. She already had two older children and having a baby would certainly interrupt her career goals. Well, she did not abort her baby, and her parents supported her financially and others helped. I was able to give her some much needed baby equipment.
The church cannot afford to remain silent any longer while millions die. Many in the Body of Christ are involved. I challenge you to get out of your comfort zone. Silence is a form of acceptance of the abortion holocaust. God has called each of us to do something. One of the foremost brilliant minds of the 20th century was the Christian philosopher, the late Dr. Francis Schaeffer, who wrote this statement in 1979: “Future generations will look back, and many will either scoff or believe in Christ on the basis of whether we Christians of today took a sacrificial stand in our various walks of life on these overwhelmingly important issues. If we do not take a stand here and now, we certainly cannot lay claim to being the salt of the earth in our generation. We are neither preserving moral values and dignity of the individual nor showing compassion for our fellow human beings. Will future generations look back and remember that – even if the 20th century did end with a great surge of inhumanity – at least there was one group who stood consistently, whatever the price, for the value of the individual, thus passing on some hope to future generations? Or are we Christians going to be merely swept along with the trends – our own moral values becoming increasingly befuddled, our own apathy reflecting the apathy of the world around us, our own inactivity sharing the inertia of the masses around us, our own leadership becoming soft?”
Jesus Christ died for all the unborn babies, the yet to be born, and for the women who choose and have chosen abortion, and also for the abortionist. He offers forgiveness, redemption, and new life to all who will come to Him and receive healing. We must as individuals and as the Body of Christ not remain silent in the wake of our nation’s greatest holocaust. God’s heart, I believe, is grieved over America. I believe He is weeping for our sins, especially the sin of abortion. The question is, will we intercede on behalf of those innocent victims taken by the sin of abortion and intercede for the future of those yet to be born? Let it not be said of us as was said of those in the book of Ezekiel, “I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall, and stand in the gap before Me for the land, that I should not destroy it, but I found none.” Ezekiel 22:30.
Resource Information:
Pregnancy Resource Center– Everett CLICK Women’s Center in Everett, WA | Pregnancy Resource Clinic | Abortion Info 425-366-7567
Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid– Everett CLICK two HEARTS pregnancy aid ( 425-252-6444
Next Step Pregnancy Services– Lynwood CLICK Next Step Pregnancy Services | Lynnwood, Washington – Home ( 425-329-4569
Special Delivery- Woodinville CLICK Charlotte Geddis LacSeul, Licensed Midwife ( 425-485-3582
Acres of Diamonds- Duvall CLICK 425-788-9999
Living Hope House- Arlington CLICK Abundant Life | Where there is help, there is hope. ( 425-750-0406
Dorothy’s House- Monroe CLICK About Us – Dorothy’s ( 425-422-1955
Vision House- Renton & Shoreline CLICK Home — Page ( 425.228.6356
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