Previous Issues

Fall September 2024

Summer August 2024

Summer July 2024

Summer June 2024

Spring May 2024

Spring April 2024

Spring March 2024

Christmas 2024

Winter 2024

Fall 2023

Summer 2023

God’s Ongoing Healing Power

Boys Need Guardian Angels

I Can’t Forgive

Insights and Reflections on the Good Shepherd: Poetry and Stories

Summer Weather/Summer Storms: Praying Against the Storms of Life at Sea and For Good Picnic Weather

Summer Reading Reviews: Helping You Choose the Right Book From a Sonrise Author

Spring 2023

Byllie Ricketts: Warrior Angel For Everett’s Finest

Cancer Free, Living Free: The Ann Jackson Story

Steven List Talks Moves and Revivals

Jenny’s Eyes: How Freedom Became Her Seeing Eye Dog

Amber Cantu: TV Star, Granddaughter to Chief Seattle, Prayer Warrior and Witness to Olympia

Learning While Healing at Seattle Bible College

Easter Reflections From the Sonrise Creative Community Team

The Light of the World and Dad Papa Eb

Color the Lion of Judah

Witnessing as a Teen

Winter 2022

A Night With the Go Team

I Don’t Know How To Do Church

Set Free

Miracle On Airport Road

The Old House: A Christmas Thought

All I Want For Christmas

Jonis Story: Long Distance Prayer Destroys Long Time Anxiety

Obedience For Snow Tires

Symphonic Prayer