Pocket Prayer Quilts – a great evangelism tool! By Jervae Brooks

Picture by Jervae Brooks

The young man at the car wash looked friendly, a nice looking 18–19-year-old working and probably trying to find his way as he neared adulthood. At least those were Shirley’s thoughts during her brief encounter with him as she paid for her automatic car wash. But instead of just letting those thoughts pass, she seized the moment to tell this young man about Jesus.

Shirley took the opportunity to give the young man one of the little Pocket Prayer Quilts that she had in her purse. It is an evangelistic tool that she and the other members of the Lake Stevens Jesus Community group that she is a part of, are making to help them be a part of the exciting evangelism thrust here at Sonrise Christian Center.

She asked the young man if he believed in God. He responded, “Yes, I do.”

Then she said, “I want to give you something. This little gift is a reminder to tell you that God loves you and is always with you.” She handed him a small 2-inch square made of colorful quilt fabric, sewn to hold a tiny wooden cross, and a small prayer tucked inside one of the corners of the “quilt”.

The prayer read, “Pocket Prayer Quilt – Made especially for you to slip in your pocket. During the day when your fingers touch the cross inside the little quilt, be mindful of God’s Love and Grace for you. Keep it as a tangible symbol of God’s peace that only He can give.”

As with every evangelism encounter, Shirley didn’t know how her gift would be received. Would this young man appreciate the small packet made of pretty, brightly colored quilt fabrics?

The young man took the gift, read the small prayer and felt the little cross inside. He looked up at Shirley with true sincerity in his eyes and said, “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given to me.”

The nicest thing …

A moment seized …

To point a life to God’s love and grace.

Jervae Brooks (Sonrise Magazine Editor) Author. Retired in 2021 after 40 years of service at Aglow International. A longtime member of Sonrise, she has authored a number of books, most recently Sustained for the Journey, available through the preceding link as well as at the Sonrise bookstore. Reach Jervae at jervaeb@aol.com

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