By Jeremiah Weiland
“The Heart Of A Nation” Acrylic on Canvas By Christy Mawet
Warning Reading This Interview May Compel You To Act!!

The following interview is with “Chloe” (name changed to protect her identity) who is out on the front lines regularly. She has been attacked in multiple ways for standing up for the lives of the countless unborn that are slaughtered here in America. She risks her safety and finds herself as the target of hatred for truly believing abortion is the murder of human life and peacefully trying to prevent it. Chloe grieves when others count it an oddity that she would stand up so powerfully against this, believing it should be normal for Christians to stand up for what is right in the sight of God, praying for their enemies, and enduring hatred for the sake of Christ every day of their lives. Paul makes it clear that all who live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution (2 Tim 3:12). We as Americans don’t really have a huge grid for persecution of the sort that is found in scripture, until we step out and go against the demonic entities and strongholds active in the culture. One such stronghold is the organization Planned Parenthood.
Outside the entrance of Planned Parenthood the fields ripe for harvest. This interview is a plea – to come out and do something, anything, for this cause: rescuing the unborn from the genocide and human sacrifice that is abortion. Refuse to allow it to be drowned out by your daily life. Refuse to let it be something for someone else to do. Finally, refuse to allow others -as long as it depends on you- to view it as acceptable.
Jeremiah: Tell me about Planned Parenthood
Chloe: Planned Parenthood is a name for a company which actually is not about planning parenthood at all, and if so, doing it in a way that is selfish and involves child sacrifice. It’s a company that has various things that it provides for people usually having to do with reproductive issues and one of the things that they provide is actually offering to murder a mother’s child in her womb. They will schedule an appointment for the mother. She goes in and they either give her a pill that destroys that zygote that is a new human being or some other procedures that would rip the baby apart. And that’s the part of what they do that’s why I’m out there.
Jeremiah: And what motivated you to get out to do what you do?
Chloe: I go out and I stand at the sidewalk and I do what I can to try and reach mainly the moms who are going in there to hire someone to murder their baby. I’m trying to reach those women and do what I can to change their mind, and also provide them with any support they need if they’re in difficult situations. I bring out resources to give to them, I bring them a gospel tract and a flyer with various things to help: such as where they can get pregnancy tests done, or get housing and things like that.
I usually stand out there with a sign and I try to call out to them. I’m also trying to seed the culture and change the mindset and the hearts of the culture by having that sign out there so people passing by can know what’s going on. I’m also trying to reach other people who are supporting the business and hopefully wake up their consciences to the fact of what’s happening inside, hoping they will treat it like they would if it was five-year-olds being taken there to be murdered. You wouldn’t want to get resources from a place that was doing that because it’s morally wrong. But we are so used to it in our culture that I try to make people more aware of what they’re supporting.
As to how I got involved, motivated to go out there…in all honesty I don’t know if I even want to call it motivation because every ounce of me did not want to go out there. You don’t know what to expect and from a human perspective it feels like ‘what good would this do how will this be effective in any way?’
But I saw people in my own family who would go out sometimes and I knew something had to be done. So basically, it was more a deep conviction. I just knew I had to go out there. And the main thing was love, knowing that even if it does take sacrifice, even if I am hated, and even if I am not effective, I am loving God and being faithful to Him and obeying Him when it doesn’t make sense, and also at least someone is fighting for these babies, even if it’s small.
Jeremiah: Tell us about yourself. How you came to know the Lord.
Chloe: I grew up in a Christian household and considered myself a Christian, but it was more a cultural thing for me. I acknowledged some of the truths in the Bible, but if anything disturbed me or was not the way I wanted it, I would try to rearrange the Bible or God to fit how I wanted Him to be. I lived one foot in the world, one foot being a Christian which we know we can’t do. You’re either fully for Christ or you’re against Him. There is no neutrality.
So through a series of events the Lord really humbled me. He showed me that I am not God and I cannot save myself and I cannot make right judgments apart from Him and that He is the only perfect judge.
I actually was saved the night-morning that my nephew was born. I was worried about my sister having her baby and there were some complications and I was worried that we would either lose the baby or her or both. So I prayed about all that and as I did it actually became a prayer of salvation, with myself in submission, saying, “but if everything does not go my way, you’re still God, and you’re still good and I repent of my sin and I will follow You anyway.”
And it right after that, that I went to my first abolitionist conference. There I got the gospel clearly preached in a way I hadn’t heard in my life because I had always heard a huge emphasis on grace and I did hear the cross but for me I was so apart from the gospel because I did not see my own sin and I was not condemned by the law. If you’re not condemned by the law, you don’t see your need for a savior. So I heard clear preaching of repentance and the gospel of what Christ has done on our behalf and what our response should be. I also learned a lot about worldviews: and what a worldview is and how we perceive truth based off of that.
Jeremiah: What makes you tick?
Chloe: I guess what would make me tick is what I’m passionate about, or rather what convicts me. It has to do with my relationship with the Lord. A lot of things on this earth are temporal, and we can place high value on them, but the things that are eternal are what matters. So, the things that make me tick have to do with what the Lord values, because He’s eternal, and His mission has purpose, whereas our little missions, they will fade away eventually. So that’s the main thing that makes me who I am, and that branches out into various different areas of life, and all of my life, in particular ways.
I’ve come to really love kids and it’s almost I’ve seen such a lack of value or a place, that kids are a burden in our culture and I think our culture is so steeped in despair and kids are an expression of how much hope we have left. I know the Lord in His word says “let the little children come to me” and we are supposed to have faith like a child and the way He looks at children is very different than how we look at children and I really love where they are at life and I want to influence them, give them hope, equip them for the future because there is hope for their future in Christ and view them as a gift rather than a curse and a blessing that they are. I think that’s something we really need. And I want to do what I can to protect them because children are at a stage where they’re very innocent and they’re very vulnerable. They’re much smaller than us and weaker.
Jeremiah: And how do you sustain your Christian walk nowadays?
Chloe: Ephesians 6 talks about the armor of God, and taking up the armor of God. It says to take up the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God. I think if we truly love God, we’ll love him for who he says he is, not who we want him to be. And a huge part of knowing who God is truly, and not just pretending like we know who God is, is being in the Word and feeding on his word.
The largest thing to sustain my walk would be, and I want to be, in the Bible daily. Consistently being in his word is so important. I think if I let that off for one week, it would be very horrible for me. And that is the foundation I need.
The other thing is being in Godly community, where I have people speaking into my life, correcting me, and where we can encourage each other on in the faith. There’s two other things: One is just keeping it all gospel centered and because it can very easily become morality instead of the fact that we rely on what Christ has done and that he we’re looking to Him and that He fulfilled the perfect Law and that we rely on His spirit within us. The last thing is truly obeying the Lord when you know, he tells you to do something and not pretending to obey, but truly do it from your heart.
Jeremiah: Do you believe that everybody should be involved?
Chloe: I believe that. Yes, I do, and I think there’s an extra responsibility for those who claim to be followers of Christ. The two greatest commandments are to love the Lord your God, with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The second is to love your neighbor as yourself.
This particular group of people who are being led to this slaughter are our neighbors. The Bible is very big on establishing justice and defending the defenseless and the fatherless and the orphans.
And who is more of an orphan than those who are abandoned by their parents on such an extreme level. So I think while it doesn’t take everyone, I don’t think what the Lord is going to use is numbers. It takes His faithful church, and as the church we’re supposed to be the light to the world. So I would say there is a bigger responsibility for Christ followers, and that all of them should be doing something and should absolutely be against abortion, which is really child sacrifice.
And I believe that if (abortion) was criminalized, then the majority would be against it, because for those who aren’t following Christ, the Law is more the tutor to their hearts, whereas we as Christians should be guided by Christ.
Jeremiah: So tell me one of the most memorable or encouraging experiences that you’ve had while actually on the street outside of Planned Parenthood.
Chloe: One of the most encouraging things was going out there with a friend, and my mom once. We were out on the sidewalk trying to reach people, and everyone was very just kind of still faced…cold-hearted in the morning. No matter what we were doing, people were going and flipping us off and whatnot, but through our time being out there, there was some sort of shift.
Sometimes that happens out there. I don’t know how to explain it other than just in the atmosphere there’s a shift. And people, they, how they receive us and how they interact, kind of changes. So, one girl who went in there, super mad, when she left she smiled and waved at us. It was one of those days and there had been a shift and we were trying to reach women.
So one car drove in and I do believe there were two people in the car and we talked a little bit to them. They were very sweet, receptive, they went in anyway, but we were able to give them some resources. And on their way back out they told us that they were going to keep the baby. So that was very exciting and of course we don’t know if that’s for sure or not.
But we have a friend who’s super involved in getting women who choose to keep their baby who’s good at helping them get connected with resources and housing. And so that friend called and told us that we had a confirmed save that day. So that would be the most exciting. I think that’s the only time that I know for sure when someone kept their baby.
There have been other things where it was very possible but it was nice to know that the Lord was gracious to reveal that at one time.
Jeremiah: Awesome. And tell me about one of the most discouraging situations that you’re going to have to be a part of when out in the street.
Chloe: It’s hard to think of. There are a lot of discouragements for sure or just… I think one of the most discouraging things for me is when you go out there, you’re reaching out to women, you want to help them. And they’ll throw out reasons why they are going to get an abortion and say what are you going to do to help us. And we offer everything. We offer to adopt their baby. We offer to give them financial support. And then they say things like they’re going to abort their baby anyways, usually with a lot of swear words. And just sometimes how stone-cold people can be about it. So that can be discouraging.
And I think one of the most discouraging things for me though is seeing people driving there. And then they say yeah, I’m a Christian too. And they go and they say God will forgive me and things like that. Where they’re just very apathetic and claiming to be a believer.
I don’t know how you can reconcile that.
Jeremiah: And so in light of those things, what can people expect if they were to go out?
Chloe: It can definitely depend. But when you go out, you can expect, since it’s such a thing that our culture is at odds with, you can expect to have a lot of people who don’t like what you’re doing.
People will go out there in favor of the abortion facility and sometimes they can be hostile and try to drown you out when you try to reach the women. But you can expect both very intense situations and people sometimes not listening to you and at the same time God’s grace to come over that and His ability to not only use your failures and your mess ups through the things you say, but He can give you the words that you need to say, when you need to say them. And even when you stutter and say something wrong, He can use that. And you can expect deep peace and one thing that I found from going out is as you go out there consistently you learn how to adapt to the situation and how to try and reach women and what your role is in that. So you can expect it to be very hard at first for some people. For me it was, and you do need to be courageous. But God is gracious and sufficient in the way people provide a way when you step out in that.
Jeremiah: What type of special blessing has the Lord placed on your life in doing this, regarding the Word, and regards to spiritual warfare in general, in personal relationships?
Chloe: I remember there was an individual who was very involved in fighting against abortion who came to speak at one of my Bible studies once and he said he was trying to encourage people to go out there to the sidewalk and he said that your Bible will come alive and scriptures will just become so real to you and that’s one thing that I 100% can say is true.
There are things, dots that have connected for me in reading the Bible and I just see now that it’s real and that really helped me because I was actually acting like it was real and you see spiritual realities that I think we’re kind of numb to when we go through our daily life and how deeper I definitely feel after starting – just my need for the Lord. I’m so much more dependent on Him and there is great fellowship and communion with Him through that.
Another blessing I’ve noticed is when you’re practicing that muscle of courage and you’re actually being courageous and practicing being brave for the Lord, it can become more natural in other areas of your life and you start to learn how to speak truth and be bold where it matters: whether it’s preaching the Gospel or standing up for someone not just out there at the sidewalk, but in other areas.
Jeremiah: So this has helped you in other areas such as protecting women and children. not just at Planned Parenthood, right?
Chloe: Yes, definitely.
Jeremiah: What do you think the most important advice you could give to somebody who would be wanting to step out and basically how would they actually get involved?
Chloe: Well, there are a lot of good resources out there. Sometimes getting a right perspective of what you’re standing for and what your goal is is very important. And connecting to people, bringing a community together. I recommend going out with other people.
Sometimes I go out alone just out of necessity if no one’s able to go out, but it’s safer to go with people if you can. I would suggest that people watch the documentary, ‘Babies Are Murdered Here.’ There is a first documentary called ‘Babies Are Still Murdered Here.’ And then the documentary, ‘A Storm Comes Rolling Down the Plane.’ You can find all of those on YouTube.
And a great resource that I would look up is, And they come at abortion from an abolitionist perspective, which I think has godly tenets and a clear idea of how we are fighting. And if we’re doing it according to how the Word says we should do it, and it has a clear end goal of what we’re trying to achieve.
But really all you need is just to have a sign with a Bible verse on it, have a sign that says the truth on it. And it’s as easy as just starting. And for me, I didn’t know how I was going to start, I just started praying to the Lord that He would connect me to people who were going out there and show me the way.
And He was faithful to do that in crazy ways. So, start praying about it and reading the Bible and coming up with ideas of how you can get out at the abortion facility or do other things to bring awareness. You can post online; you can be aware and have conversations with people or wear a t-shirt.
Anything to put that truth out there into the darkness.
Jeremiah: What would you say to people who have objections like, for example, if they don’t think that they’re mature enough in the Lord to do this? Is there a maturity level that they have to reach?
Chloe: Well, I definitely was not mature when I started, and still not. I think it’s less about who we are and more about who God is. He doesn’t have you come because you’re this great person who’s qualified. He uses what’s weak in this world, so you don’t have to be super mature.
This will actually grow your maturity in the faith. But I will say that when you start going out there, the biggest detriment to the message is that you’re not mature enough. and the biggest weapon that the enemy can use against you is your own sin and a big thing that you absolutely cannot have while going out there is pride and haughtiness.
So I think it’s very important to guard against pride and put on humility and the Lord and Christ when going out there. But that’s not a reason to not go out there; instead you can pray about that and repent and no matter who you are you can go out there. I’m just a small young woman that goes out there alone and the Lord has been faithful to me and I’m a nobody.
Jeremiah: So some people object and they just say well why not just give to pregnancy resource centers is that helping or why should somebody physically be a presence at Planned Parenthood actively calling against it?
Chloe: Yeah well we need to understand what’s actually going on and grasp the truth of that not just in thought but in action and what we do. So while it’s good to provide resources for women who have chosen to keep their babies, there is a huge group of women who are going to murder their babies and you’re not even touching that group of women if you’re just donating to more pregnancy resource centers. It’s not actually dealing with the actual problem at hand.
If you wanted to compare it to something just for reference, imagine if we had a problem where it was legal for a husband to beat his wife and so we had that big problem where it was actually legalized and they had a place they could go to do that in the United States. Imagine you were aware of this problem and you knew where they would go to do it, and when they were going to do it.
But instead of actually doing something to try and stop that, you just donated money to people in difficult situations where men would be more prone to beat their wives. So you were donating your money to try and help them not even be in that situation and, while that might be helpful, you’re not dealing with the actual problem and trying to stop the injustice that’s happening.
There’s a song By Keith Green that says ‘to obey is better than sacrifice, I don’t want your money I want your life.’ The goal of a Christian life we want is to be obedient to the Lord and It is good to donate to things but we have to ask if that is actual obedience.
This is one of the greatest genocides of all time And we know when and where some of these babies are being led to be murdered. Is it enough to just send a little bit of money off to someone to help women who choose to keep their babies? Or should we go and actually hold back those who are being led to the slaughter and Intervene.
I think it will be very easy for us and it has been very easy for me to come up with excuses of why not to. But love should convince us to do more than that.
I do think something that we’re very deficient in as a culture and that’s hard for people in general is the courage that’s necessary to do what’s right. I believe bravery and courage is what takes love from the superficial realm into the sacrificial realm. So we need to strengthen that and actually have the courage to do what’s right and God will not forsake us in that. He will stay with us and that can be our comfort.
Jeremiah: What do you think about Roe v Wade being overturned and what did that do to what did that help you or did that really just set you back at zero?
Chloe: Yeah, well, I think that That Roe v. Wade was something that was an unconstitutional court ruling actually to begin with and it shouldn’t have been obeyed. There have been times in the past when for morality’s sake, like when slavery was a thing, that the Supreme Court was defied And that was right and that’s what we should have done.
But now I think actually that their decision of Roe v. Wade was still not just in that they said that states have the right to choose to murder people. And that’s unconstitutional and it was not the right ruling. They did not condemn it. But the one good thing that it did provide is it took away the excuse that we can’t do anything because of Roe v. Wade.
Now we have no excuse, which it wasn’t really an excuse to begin with. And I think the Lord will use it to give people encouragement that something can be done. But there is a danger in that people will become satisfied in making hypothetical progress.
In the pro-life movement, it’s always advertised that there’s progress, progress, progress. And this bill might be passed, this thing might be done. Whereas another day goes by and thousands of babies are still dying.
And so it’s kind of a wheel, a hamster wheel we’re running on. And what we need to do is actually apply laws against murder equally to everybody inside and outside the womb. It’s that simple.
Jeremiah: How many victims are there in abortion?
Chloe: Abortion is the intentional taking of a human life. And that is murder. And I think it is extremely sexist when we say that women are so helpless that they have the right. They’re the only group of people that are allowed to murder their children and get away with it.
And that they’re so dumb that they don’t know what they’re doing. I think we should have the right view on it. Since we see women, since we interact with them, and we forget that we’ve all been at those early stages of life, and Jesus Himself condescended to our level and became flesh at that stage when He became a zygote, I think it’s easier for us to show favor to the women. And while we want to love women in these circumstances, the Bible is very clear that we do not show partiality to the wicked at the expense of the one that they are showing injustice to.
So we need to provide equal protection and we need to understand what is actually happening to these babies. And what kind of protection would we provide for the woman if someone was going to hurt her? And we should be equal in that we would do the same thing at the earlier stages of life, and not be against and show favor to someone based upon whether we can see them or whether it’s convenient or not.

Jeremiah Weiland is a former heroin addict who was radically saved by God’s grace in 2010. He is a self published author, co-owner of two preschools, and co-owner and operator of Refined Coffee in Everett, WA. Jeremiah has a passion for people understanding the righteousness of God that is given by God to those who put their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Book on Amazon: Free Indeed.
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Resource Information:
Pregnancy Resource Center– Everett CLICK Women’s Center in Everett, WA | Pregnancy Resource Clinic | Abortion Info 425-366-7567
Two Hearts Pregnancy Aid– Everett CLICK two HEARTS pregnancy aid ( 425-252-6444
Next Step Pregnancy Services– Lynwood CLICK Next Step Pregnancy Services | Lynnwood, Washington – Home ( 425-329-4569
Special Delivery- Woodinville CLICK Charlotte Geddis LacSeul, Licensed Midwife ( 425-485-3582
Acres of Diamonds- Duvall CLICK 425-788-9999
Living Hope House- Arlington CLICK Abundant Life | Where there is help, there is hope. ( 425-750-0406
Dorothy’s House- Monroe CLICK About Us – Dorothy’s ( 425-422-1955
Vision House- Renton & Shoreline CLICK Home — Page ( 425.228.6356
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