No Regrets: A Poem by Barbara Neiman

“Redeemed Heart” acrylic paint by Amy J Heath

Without restraint

I gave my heart away

Until it was empty

Having nothing of value to say

Yet secretly I aspired

To prove my own worth

I was consistently self-seeking

From the moment of my birth

So much I have desired

My Jesus has been giving

In wisdom and new freedom

To make me glad I’m living

No regrets for paths well-traveled

Or sorrow for lessons learned

His unmerited grace has filled me

With eternal blessings unearned

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at

One response to “No Regrets: A Poem by Barbara Neiman”

  1. Barbara, you are a living testimony of Jesus Christ’s grace, and you poignant poem points this out.
    Thank you for sharing it!

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