My Mother’s Hands: By Kathy Hunt

My Mother’s Hands Mixed Media by Kathy Hunt

My Mother’s Hands

My mother’s hands

Held me,

Touched my cheek,

     And wiped away my tears.

My mother’s hands

Touched canvas and paper,

Held brush, pencil, pen,

     And signed her wonderful name.

My mother’s hands

Clasped mine in labor,

Grabbed mine to say, ‘hello’,

     Touched mine before she died.

Today, I saw a photograph,

And what touched me so deeply Was the image of my mother’s hands.

“My Mothers Hands in Black and White” Black Ink by Kathy Hunt

Ann Kathleen Hunt, it has only been since my 40’s that I started drawing/painting. I’ve loved stories and writing since I was in grade school.  I come from a family of artists and musicians.  I have been married to Adrian Hunt for 39 years.  We have 5 wonderful adult children with hopes of grandchildren in the future.  I have known Christ all of my conscious life but was born in the Spirit when I was pregnant with my last child, Anna.  Sonrise Christian Center became a very important part of my life when I started going to The Mother’s Prayer Group.  Deborah, Amber and Lorna (the leaders) have and still continue to influence my relationship with God.  Both Pastors John and Dan are amazing preachers/teachers and I keep bringing anyone I know, who is interested, to the church.  

One response to “My Mother’s Hands: By Kathy Hunt”

  1. Barbara Neiman Avatar
    Barbara Neiman

    Your poetic artistry in My Mother’s Hands coupled with your lovely illustrations create an exquisite tribute to your deep abiding love for your mother. Kathy, you really nailed it!!

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