More than a Ladies Tea -The Creative Inspirations of a Group by Amy J Heath

Creativity is expressed in many ways. Typically, one thinks of painting and music as the general ways to express creativity.  The Ladies Tea at Sonrise Christian Center demonstrated creativity through beauty and intricate detail with every teacup, saucer and plate wrapped around their favorite book as their table’s theme.

The” Inklings Literary Tea” at Sonrise Christian Center was a beautiful event. The theme was a nod to a special amateur writing group in England that was attended by renowned writers such as CS. Lewis and JR Token. Fifteen table hostesses eagerly volunteered to decorate a table inspired by their own favorite book.

My table was inspired by the Garden of the Lord. The butterfly plates were making their thirty-year debut as they had never been used and sat in the China closet for such a time as this. The butterflies also inspired me as hope in breaking out of that cocoon of change, hoping my painful and long transformation with the Lord was finally complete.

Natalie Venkov was inspired by C.S. Lewis’s “The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe”. Natalie’s creativity beautifully captured the lamp post and Aslan.

This mother daughter duo, Raelin Ladieu and Debra Thompson, captured the book “The Secret Garden” by Frances Hodgson Burnett. This elegant table was covered in fresh flowers and hidden treasures.

Brie Chaussee was inspired with the British classic, “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austin. This elegant table displayed just the right setting for a proper English tea that Lizzy would have been happy to attend.

Tara Johnson found inspiration from the adventure books by J.R.R Tolkien,” The Hobbit” and “The Lord of the Rings”. She covered her table with posters from Tolkien’s books.

Ann Spingath loves to read mystery novels. She has many favorite authors such as Sherlock Homes, Agatha Christie, and titles like “Murder She Wrote”. Ann’s details wowed her visiting guests who had never been to a Sonrise Tea.

Madison Saxon and Melissa Ireland were inspired by mystery writing and books such as the Nancy Drew series. The seeing eye glass was a great detail to pull them together.  

Barbara Edwards was inspired by the book” Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. The table was detailed in angels and gold. This table was very elegant. Jenny Anderson, one of Sonrise Magazine’s contributors, had the honor of sitting at the “Heaven” table.

Kathy Patton proclaimed that her table was titled, “Rusty, Dusty, Musty, Study”. Her display focus had a wired basket marked with manuscripts. Kathy’s table was warm and cozy like a study should be as a writer seeks inspiration.

Mother and daughter team Leann and Whitney Smith were inspired by the book “The Language of Flowers” by Sheila Pickles. This table was delicate and floral.

Sheila Welsh was inspired by the book “The Velveteen Rabbit” by Margery Williams Bianco. The china and napkins were everything bunny, completing the theme in a beautiful way.

Annie Williams and Jen Rae partnered to bring to life” Charlotte’s Web” by E.B. White. Their details in this beloved children’s book represented the farm and story brilliantly.

Thea Gardner was inspired by the book” The Prayer of Jabez” written by Bruce Wilkinson. Thea created an elegant table setting with fine china and a beautiful floral arrangement.

Stacy Toft was inspired by Lewis Carroll’s “Alice in Wonderland”. The Mad Hatters Hat was the main center piece with the tea pot in the air as if the cheshire cat was pouring the tea.

 Leeandrea Campbell was also inspired by C.S Lewis’s” The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe”. Leeandrea chose the winter scene when Lucy first met Mr. Tumnus and was invited to tea. Her attention to detail spread out on the detail to the delight of her guests.

Jodie Heath and Amber Cantu attended my table. We all received the memo to wear blue that day.

June McGowan was the server at my table. She did an excellent job.     

  The food was extravagant! I felt like I was at “Tea 2.0” with the excellent salads, sandwiches, scones, and desserts. The serving team was led by Lynn Johnson, Kevin Johnson, and the amazing youth group.

Photo by Amber Cantu

Esther Wright did an excellent job with her presentation the literary group,” the Inklings”, explaining to us just where and how the group was formed.  I found the speech very inspiring and encouraging as the Sonrise Magazine group has many of the Inklings characteristics. The value of having a group with which to share your written work is very important, as friendly constructive criticism is vital when trying to capture a story that others would want to read.   

Photo by Pastor Grace Hammer

The Sonrise Womens Team did an excellent job with this year’s women ministry. Thank you Pastor Grace Hammer, Noma Hedman, Tara Johnson, Leann Smith, Whitney Smith, Raelin Ladieu, Madison Saxon, and Barbara Edwards, for all your work and planning this beautiful time for all the ladies of Sonrise and guest to enjoy.

Amy J. Heath (Sonrise Magazine Art Director, Magazine Manager) Author. Grew up here in Everett, Washington and graduated from Mariner High School. Author of Creative Heart a 31-day devotional inviting you to join Amy’s journey with Father God in a Creative way. Each day has a painting with the thoughts she shared with God about the meaning of the picture and then invites you on the next page to write or draw the inspiration you gathered while reading and viewing Amy’s painting. The goal of this book is to help you express creatively your thoughts. Creative Heart can currently be found at the Sonrise Christian Center bookstore. Amy is also one of Sonrise Christian Centers Prophetic Artists and paints during worship to express in paint and color what Holy Spirit is saying during worship.

All Photographs are by Amy J Heath unless mentioned under the picture.

3 responses to “More than a Ladies Tea -The Creative Inspirations of a Group by Amy J Heath”

  1. What a wonderful occasion and amazingly ornate decorations! Amy’s photos also display the bevy of beauties all of you ladies are–God’s masterpiece!

  2. Thoughtfully written. Really enjoy the photographs to enhance the story. Thank you, Amy.

  3. A women’s touch is such a beautiful thing. What a display of creative abundance and visual pleasure..

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