“Journey to Bethlehem” A Poem by Barbara Neiman

“Road to Jerusalem” Watercolor by Amy J Heath

Have you made your journey to Bethlehem?

Have you knelt at the manger simply to adore him?

Have you looked into those solemn, yet wise,

All-knowing baby’ eyes?

       I have . . .

       I went all alone,

       And knelt down before him.

I simply had to know.

Was His smile sweeter somehow,

Then the smiles of the babies I’d held,

Calling them my own?

Was His heart more innocent somehow?

       As I knelt and adored Him . . .

       Got to know Him . . .

       He winked it seemed and smiled and cooed.

       Just like all babies do.

I looked up and saw her smile.

A knowing look passed from her to me

And back again . . .

       We were one somehow . . .

       That mother and me.

       We both understood that He was in me

       And I somehow was fitted with all humanity

       Into that tiny heart.

We weren’t really latecomers, afterthoughts

We latent human beings

But contained right from the start

In His tiny, immense heart.

       That wondrous conception without stain or mar

       (Can you believe it, what I say so far?)

       Contained you and me and every believer,

       Past, present and future.

It is true you know.

We are part of Him, by His cross and resurrection,

But before the fact . . .

The Father planted the seeds of us in fertile soil

Jesus’ complete and perfect heart.

       Go and adore Him, Ask Him to confirm it,

       We aren’t strangers, we’re sisters and brothers

       Born on Christmas Day with Him

       Our home is His tiny immense heart.

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at twointouch@comcast.net

One response to ““Journey to Bethlehem” A Poem by Barbara Neiman”

  1. That’s a lovely poem, Barbara. Thank you for sharing it. =)

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