Joni’s story: “Long distance” prayer destroys long time anxiety

by Jamie Sagerser

During a Sonrise service last October, I heard a sister in Christ share a word of knowledge about a spirit of depression and anxiety breaking off someone. My heart leaped as I stretched out my hand towards my best friends home, a few blocks away. Through tears I claimed this word for her and prayed in faith, “Today is the day, depression and anxiety are no more, enough, in Jesus name!”

My friend Joni and I had contended for 33 years for her breakthrough, and yet she had stretches of time housebound with crippling depression and anxiety. She watched church online as she could not break through the heaviness that had been on her since a small child.

I called Joni on the way home and declared the word over her. She thanked me and hoped it was true, that her deliverance had come at last.

Two weeks later as we sat on my backyard swing, she shared. “Jamie, it’s gone, the depression and anxiety, it’s gone! For the past two weeks I have awakened each morning and almost looked for it, it had been with me for so long, but it’s gone, I am free!”

I reminded her that it had been 2 weeks since the Word of the Lord had come forth, her long awaited breakthrough had indeed come! All Glory to our King Jesus!

Joni’s heart and mind are indeed revived and she is loving Jesus, stepping out, ready to engage the world around her!

The revival river we are in gushes out into the streets, into the city, the countryside, into the hearts and homes around us. We are the vessels that carry the living water! Be encouraged, come to church, receive and then go and pour out!

“…God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power. He went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him.” Acts 10:38

Jamie and Bob Sagerser have been attending Sonrise for 4 + years. They have been happily married 25 years, have 4 (married) children, and 13 beautiful grandchildren. Jamie is currently co-teaching a women’s Bible study for women in transition out of homelessness, and Bob is a guitarist on the Worship team. They enjoy living in the country, in Arlington. She recently published a gripping autobiography, Passed Through Fire, about her escape from a cult. Of the book Rick Michels wrote: “Frank Peretti meets John Steinbeck in this page turner. I couldn’t put it down.” Order it here or get it at the Sonrise bookstore.

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