Hope’s Sweet Promise: A Poem by Barbara L. Neiman

“Master Gardener’s Plan” watercolor, By Kathy Hunt

Hope’s Sweet Promise

Hope never left my side

    Even when it seemed all

Optimism had flown

    For I found it had only

Changed the outcome

    From a transitory hope

To one that stretched beyond

    The grave to a never-ending

Eternal blessed rest

    Where fulfillment is certain

To deliver hope’s sure reward.

Although I planted Fall bulbs

    For my mate in hopeful trust

That he would be here with me

    In the Spring to see their

Proud burst of color,

    The Master Gardener

Had a better plan

    To grasp my faithful friend

 By his shaky hand

    And draw him into a land

Devoid of death and pain.

So gently he took him

    From my side and

Bore him up on angels’ wings

    To clothe him in immortality

Health and spiritual wealth.

How can I then imagine

    Our finest hopes have not

Been realized and multiplied

    More than mere mortals

Can comprehend?

How then, dear companions, can

    I feel deceived if I have walked

In true faith and hope—

    Not in myself—but in

The one who bought

    At greatest cost

The right to call him home

    When His own dear heart

Ached to have His son close?

How can I grieve so fair a reward

    For the one I’ve loved so long?

How can I not smile

    As I dance in ecstatic elation

And turn every day of waiting

    Until we’re together with our God

Into one of joyful celebration? 

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at twointouch@comcast.net

One response to “Hope’s Sweet Promise: A Poem by Barbara L. Neiman”

  1. This is beautiful Barbara.

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