God’s Grace, a Healing Testimony by Deana Cavanaugh

a mother and daughter bonding time baking a homemade pizza

In August 2021, I had a colonoscopy. One of the polyps they removed was at the opening of the appendix, so the doctor wanted to check that spot a year later. Following the next colonoscopy in August 2022, the doctor wanted to remove my appendix to make sure the polyp inside the appendix was not cancer.

My A1 C (measurement of my average blood sugar level over three months) was very high, so I was not able to have the surgery until the A1 C was lower than 7. I had my appendix removed in April of 2023. The spot they were worried about was perfectly fine. However, at that time, they found a rare form of cancer that would not have been detected until it was too late. 

a mother and daughter bonding time baking a homemade pizza
Photo by RDNE Stock project on Pexels.com

After I got the news, it was cancer, the Lord brought to my mind a situation where God’s grace saved my mother. When I was 4 or 5, my mom reached up into the cupboard, and something snapped; she was rushed to the hospital and into surgery. Her intestine had snapped, wrapped around her ovary, and destroyed the ovary and the cancer they found on that ovary. It had not spread anywhere else. In the early 1960s it would probably have gone undetected.

I went into a second surgery in June to remove a portion of my colon to make sure the cancer had not spread. The cancer was only found in my appendix, and all CT scans and blood tests showed no cancer.

Praise the Lord for his love, grace, and mercy!

3 responses to “God’s Grace, a Healing Testimony by Deana Cavanaugh”

  1. Tom Giesecke Avatar

    Thank you for sharing your wonderful testimony, Deana. God has honored you and you have honored Him by sharing it.

  2. Deana,

    Jann and I are rejoicing with you. Thank-you for sharing your testimony!

    Dan & Jann

  3. Jervae Brooks Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this testimony Deana. God’s grace and healing power was surely on your life. He has sustained you for a beautiful purpose!

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