Interview by Jervae Brooks with Kristen Close and Becky Askland

Becky Askland and Kristen Close
Embrace Grace is a 12-week support group sponsored by Sonrise Christian Center and led by Kristen Close and Becky Askland. It is a ministry to single, unplanned pregnant women that speaks to them of worth, identity, and the lavishing love of Father God. The 12 weeks conclude with a beautiful baby shower for the soon to be mothers.
Kristen and Becky began this support group at Sonrise in 2023 and the first 12-week session was held in February.
When Kristen first learned about the ministry of Embrace Grace, she knew she had to be a part. When she shared this with her friend Becky, they were both gripped with the desire help these young women know they are not alone. They wanted to show them that the church is the first place they could run to, instead of away from in shame. The words and actions they hope to convey are “You are loved, and there is always hope in Jesus.”
Each meeting includes a light dinner with childcare if the mommies attending have other little ones.
I sat down with Kristen in mid-September, just after their first meeting of this new season. Here is what she shared about Embrace Grace.
- Kristen, what led you to begin this beautiful and very creative ministry?
I watched a documentary that focused on this amazing ministry. Prior to that I had never heard of it. As I listened to these precious girls’ testimonies, I knew I needed to be a part. Embrace Grace is a nationwide ministry. It began at Gateway Church in Texas as a small group and as the great need was recognized in the surrounding areas, a non-profit ministry was started.
- I understand this is the second time you’ve led this 12-week group. Correct?
Yes, this is our second session. I’m so thankful to have Becky Askland co-lead it with me. She is amazing with the wisdom and love that she brings. As of now, we’re offering it twice a year; in February and September.
- How many young mothers were involved in the group last session?
Two mommas. This group has a very specific target which makes a small window of time for the mommas to be involved. (Just the nine months from conception to infant). The home organization for Embrace Grace asks us to have two leaders for every three young women. It is intimate and in-depth.
- And how many this session?
We will have two young women in this session, as well.
- In general, describe the women involved in the group this year.
We have come to realize that each session the women involved will be completely different and the session will be tailored for that specific group of women. Last time, our mommas were younger, and it was about planting seeds of faith and hope in their lives, and always about loving. This time, the moms are a little older, and they both are very excited to be a part. They both have other children and have done things their own way in the past. They both really desire to do things God’s way this time. Our goal is that it would not be just a 12-week connection but a lifetime connection with us, the other moms, and our church family.
- Was it difficult to find the women to join the support group?
Yes, it’s always a process. Becky and I partner with The Pregnancy Resource Clinic. We’ve reached out to schools, alternative schools, used social media, and KCMS Christian radio station asked us to do an interview with them to get the word out and help us find interested women. That radio spot was broadcast for about three weeks.
We have found that if you have one personal point of contact, it speaks louder than anything else. Our church is such a safe place but, for many of these girls, they aren’t sure. If we can get them to step one foot in, they’re great. But getting there is not easy. I was in contact with five girls before this group started. One young girl ended up incarcerated, one’s baby was about 7 months old by the time we started, and she really needed a single mom’s group by that time. It’s about finding “the one” He is after.
- What types of things do you teach or discuss during the 12 weeks?
We talk about value, identity, soul ties, freedom, forgiveness, and the lavish love the Father has for them.
- I can imagine this process is life-changing for the women in the group. Can you share about a life or family that was changed?
Yes. One girl last session was so independent. She had three other little ones and was pregnant with her fourth. She was kicked out of her home at 16 and was in four different teen houses. She had never been given a baby shower, never been shown how to pick up after your kids, or to set boundaries. We have a week of representational repentance, where they have a chance to receive healing and restoration in a tangible way (read by us in the Embrace Grace book) from people who have hurt them, like a father, a mother, the child’s father. And then they receive a blessing that we also read over them, as coming from a father, a mother, etc. We saw her open up like we hadn’t before. By the end, she brought her grandma to the shower and her whole family had received a taste of the genuine love of the Father.
- And at the end of the 12 weeks, you give these young mothers a baby shower. Wow!Please describe what that looks like.
The shower is so beautiful! We are very blessed to have Sabrina Mawet organize our showers and all the gifts. In general, each girl gets to choose two bigger items (stroller, car seat, bouncy chair, swing, etc.) and then they each receive at least three outfits, diapers, wipes, and blankets. Any items on top of that are welcome as well. The girls get their hair done, possibly will receive a new outfit and professional photos taken for the day. They get to bring as many family members as they would like. They are prayed over, celebrated and our goal is to seal it all with the lavish love of Jesus.
- How do you collect all the shower gifts? Can the Sonrise family help with donations?
Yes! Please! We can only do it by donations. We have a sign-up sheet at the Connection Center in the lobby for gift donations, help with decorating and a sign up for meals, if someone would like to bring a meal one week. They are also welcome to contact Becky or me, directly.
- In closing, please describe what all this means to the women. And what is your ongoing vision for this ministry?
We have heard repeatedly – “this baby helped save by life.” When we get a glimpse of God’s unconditional love through the eyes of our babies, it changes everything. This issue is so much more in-depth than I ever thought. And so close to the very heart of God. At the end of the day, we are all made the same with the need to know and be known by Father God.
This ministry is so dear to my heart because literally you ae saving two lives, not just one. The mommas are equally as important to our Father’s heart as the babies. God has created us to love and to nurture. When a woman falls in love with her baby and feels that unconditional love, it is so much easier to understand the joy of – “Oh…that’s how Father God loves me!” He is always after ‘the one’.
Our goal is to continue to get the word out and, as we do, more moms will come to know … You are not alone. You are loved. And there is always hope in Jesus. Thank you, Kristen and Becky! We rejoice with you for this ministry of hope, love, and healing
You can contact Kristen through the isonrise link below or find the sign up sheet at the information desk at Sonrise to donate or plan a meal.

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Resource Information:
Pregnancy Resource Center– Everett CLICK Women’s Center in Everett, WA | Pregnancy Resource Clinic | Abortion Info 425-366-7567
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