Easter Word of Encouragement by Jervae Brooks

              With Easter week approaching, our thoughts naturally turn to the dramatic events of the Passion of Christ and all that He did for us when he bore our sins on the cross. Often, those thoughts can lead us to examine our own responses to events in our lives, and those of our family, as we perhaps struggle to truly give them over to Him.

Yes, we know that we will find peace as we give each trial to the Lord, but how exactly do we do that?

“Beauty of The Cross” acrylic by Olga Bekirov

In the Lord’s Prayer we say – …Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven… For Thine is the kingdom and the power and glory forever and ever. Amen

And in Acts 14:22 we read that Paul, “…encouraged them to continue in the faith, reminding that we must suffer many hardships to enter the kingdom of God.” (NLT)

This speaks of a kingdom realm that is presently accessible. Now. Not just when we move to heaven. So, as we progress through the difficult moments (days-years!), we must seek to keep our thoughts kingdom-minded.

Tools God has given to us to help us in times of need:

  • Pray in the Spirit. Our prayer language can express our heart and fears to God in ways our native language cannot.
    • “But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith, and pray in the Holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.” Jude 20-21 NIV
  • Keep your faith in God strong. Believe and know that He loves you – and those you’re praying for. He sees all and knows all. He didn’t cause the calamity (or whatever). His love is too kind to cause such things to happen. He is relentlessly kind.
    • But we live in a fallen world and things happen.
    • God at times allows things to happen to teach us, to change us – and at times because of choices we have made. But He always cares.
    • He is always with us and available to direct our choices.
  • Psalm 32:8-states – “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” (NKJV) I love that! God’s eye is always upon us to lead and guide.

So, you might say, “What if I understand this and want to follow Him, but here I am in a mess!? What do I do now?”

  • Begin to trust Him. Pray in the Spirit. Ask Him to take over. Repent – Believe – Have faith in His love. Be willing to walk out the consequences.
  • Trust God to lead you out of the muck and mire and into His kingdom. There He will give you the strength to endure the trials and persecutions of life. (Acts 14:22)
  • Repent – for anxiety and unbelief
  • Trust     – that God loves you and cares … and knows
  • Believe – that He will work it out – for your good and for His glory

This amazing and transformative process begins when we recognize our need for God’s help. We cannot carry it alone.

  • Give fears to Him.
  • Give “what ifs” to Him.
  • Give your own will to Him.
  • Trust Him and His love for you.
  • Allow Him to recondition your soul to look to Him and not to your own understanding.

Be willing to “put feet to” what God tells you to do.

  • Watch for signs God is bringing about the changes/adjustments in the situation.
  • Listen for His still small voice to direct your path. Through a scripture… through a thought you know is from Him.
  • Respond to God’s leading. Do what He tells you to do (which might be – “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10a)).
  • Be willing to change as God leads.

In Proverbs 12 verse 25 we read, “Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.” (NLT) A study note in The Passion Bible about this verse said, “This insightful proverb can also be translated ‘Stop worrying! Think instead of what brings you gladness.’ Our focus must never be on what we can’t change but on the everlasting joy we have in Christ. Sometimes we have to find the life-giving word of encouragement rising up in our own hearts. This is the secret of finding perpetual encouragement by the Word that lives in us.”

There are some trials in life that we can use these tools to say – “Okay God I give that to You and won’t worry about that anymore!” And there are other trials when we feel our very being has been torn to shreds and is bloodied and bruised. (Graphic words, but I’ve been there.) In closing, I want to quote from something I wrote in my book Sustained for the Journey, page 169…

  • “Several years ago, as I sat in the backyard swing that Dwight built for me – my favorite place in all the world – I asked God…What have I really learned from You through all of the things I’ve gone through in my life?… He spoke these words to my heart. I encourage you to take these words for yourself as well. Jesus said:               

I am with you always – ready for you to lift unto Me the devastation of your soul, the weight of your grief, the sorrow you carry in your heart. Let Me carry it for you. Empty yourself of these things that weigh you down. Give them to Me and fill yourself instead with My love. In My love you will find rest and peace.”

God did not cause all the difficult things that have happened in your life. But He was there through every one of them. The “why” question may remain unanswered. But there is no question about the love of Jesus and His presence as we go through the trials and battles in our lives.”  This Easter season, as we ponder what Jesus Christ did for us in bearing the total burden for each of us, may these thoughts bring deeper understanding and peace to your heart.

Jervae Brooks (Sonrise Magazine Editor)Author. Retired in 2021 after 40 years of service at Aglow International. A long time member of Sonrise, she has authored a number of books, most recently Sustained for the Journey, available through the preceding link as well as at the Sonrise bookstore. Reach Jervae at jervaeb@aol.com

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