I was born in Nairobi, Kenya, Africa. I came from a catholic background. When I was born, my family was going through poverty and many financial challenges; my parents struggled to raise me and my three siblings. During my teen years, my family became financially successful. Dad had multiple businesses and was away often, as was my mother, a school principal. Thus, I was brought up by nannies while my siblings were in school. During this time, for seven years, I experienced sexual molestation by nannies and elder cousins. This abuse led to alcoholism and very many evil devices. In 2013, my father passed away, and I was looking for a father in all the wrong relationships, even while attending the Catholic church for guidance and help.
The Lord introduced Himself to me in December 2014 by a lady who was a neighbor in the apartments I used to live in. She led me to a church that does deliverance, teachings of the Word of God, and restoration by the power of the Holy Spirit. I got delivered from all evil devices, and I started walking with the Lord. Through the process, God delivered my whole family as they attended services, including my siblings who were also into severe alcoholism. My entire family serves the Lord now. We were the chiefs of sinners, but God’s mighty hand prevailed in my family over all the works of the devil.
I was visiting America in 2019 for my brother’s wedding, and in the process, I was introduced to a senior pastor in Medford, Oregon, who does Evangelism. He arranged for me to receive evangelistic training in a different state. equipping me to to lead people to Christ through God’s anointing. I saw people healed and delivered. I returned to Kenya, but the Lord wanted me to come back to America; I returned in 2020, just before the pandemic. The Lord told me to join a Bible school where I would learn about Him and get to know myself. I googled and saw Seattle Bible College. I got to the bus, took the train to Everett, Washington, and met Dr. Kathy, who interviewed me and introduced me to the school. The Spirit of God is present at Seattle Bible College, and I wanted a school that walks in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
At Seattle Bible College, I have truly learned about myself. God has taught me who He created me to be, and my eyes have been enlightened through every quarter in school. Learning the ways of God and walking by faith and in His obedience have truly been fundamental. The teachers are well qualified and experienced in life. God has taken the teachers through many seasons of life, so they don’t just teach facts or the Word but also lead by example through their experiences. I experienced many challenges in school as well since God takes you through not just what you learn in school but also through what you experience in your life at that moment and season. Every class was a prophetic teaching class led by the Holy Spirit, who knows our deepest needs and desires. It is truly a foundational time being in Seattle Bible College; it literally blows your mind, expands your soul, fattens your spirit, and transforms your life.
In following the Lord’s leading after I graduate from Seattle Bible College with a Bachelor’s Degree in Biblical Studies, the Lord has told me that I am to be a missionary to America, He has opened doors to use me in evangelizing Muslims, Mormons (and any other religions walking outside the truth of who Jesus is), the sick, the demon-possessed, prostitutes, the rich and wealthy–any who are the most chiefs of sinners whom the Lord has taught me to love and how to impact lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. With His help, I plan to continue evangelizing and being an intercessor for the salvation of Americans through the Holy Spirit’s leading. As I walk by faith and by His obedience, He leads me. I thank God for my transformed life through Seattle Bible College.
Check out the upcoming classes at Seatle Bible College! Discover your next on your journey with God!!

“And David danced before the Lord with all his might…”(2 Sam. 6:14). Come and learn the heart and techniques of worshipful dance before the Lord taught by the very gifted teacher, Debbie Wiens, who owns and directs her own dance studio in the area. Debbie has attended Sonrise Christian Center for years and will share her experiences and teachings in 13 incredible hours. Register at Events | SBC (seattlebiblecollege.edu)

Be empowered for Kingdom service! Examine the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, as found in the Bible, as well as their relationship to anointed service and leadership in today’s world. Events | SBC (seattlebiblecollege.edu)
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