Category: Uncategorized
Grace in Action by Joyce Olsen
(A father’s conveyance of The Father’s grace-gift) My parents were committed to a denomination that taught and practiced a life of holiness through legalistic structure and doctrine. The scripture engraved on my mind at a young age was John 17:14-15 where Jesus said, And the world hates them because they do not belong to the world, just…
Declare God’s Attributes by Dennis Morrison
DECLARE GOD’S ATTRIBUTES Give unto the Lord, the glory due His Names, worship the Lord in the beauty of His holiness. Psalm 29:2 There is no god like our God! Sing to the Lord a new song because… YOUR LOVE IS SO PURE, YOU ARE GLORIOUSLY GREAT, YOU ARE EXCELLENT IN YOUR HOLINESS, YOU ARE…
Follow The Signs by Tom Giesecke
Soaked and shivering, I ducked into the dense forest across the steep slope of the ridge crest. The great old-growth trees partly sheltered me from the pelting wind-driven rain. Then I saw it—a silver diamond fastened about six feet up one of the stalwart trunks of a great fir tree. The faint trail was visible…
Go Gentle Into That Good Night by John Woodbery
I write this article in memory of my older and only brother, Potter Woodbery who tragically died in 2008 from the aftereffects of his then existing type 1 diabetic condition brought on by a medical treatment attempt to treat his long-standing mental depression with electroshock therapy. The day after the treatment his pancreas permanently produced…
More than a Ladies Tea -The Creative Inspirations of a Group by Amy J Heath
Creativity is expressed in many ways. Typically, one thinks of painting and music as the general ways to express creativity. The Ladies Tea at Sonrise Christian Center demonstrated creativity through beauty and intricate detail with every teacup, saucer and plate wrapped around their favorite book as their table’s theme. The” Inklings Literary Tea” at Sonrise…
Teetering On the Edge of a Shadow by Joyce Olsen
We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed. Through suffering, our bodies continue to share in the death of Jesus so that the life…
My Mother’s Hands: By Kathy Hunt
My Mother’s Hands Mixed Media by Kathy Hunt My Mother’s Hands My mother’s hands Held me, Touched my cheek, And wiped away my tears. My mother’s hands Touched canvas and paper, Held brush, pencil, pen, And signed her wonderful name. My mother’s hands Clasped mine in labor, Grabbed mine to say, ‘hello’, …
The Resurrection of Jesus and Randy Clark’s Kingdom Foundations: by Susan Klinge
The Resurrection of Jesus is the greatest miracle in the Book of John. Jesus told of the resurrection beforehand. “I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live” (John 11:23, 25). We never see the resurrection of Jesus. But we see the effects of the…