Category: Uncategorized
Joni’s story: “Long distance” prayer destroys long time anxiety
by Jamie Sagerser During a Sonrise service last October, I heard a sister in Christ share a word of knowledge about a spirit of depression and anxiety breaking off someone. My heart leaped as I stretched out my hand towards my best friends home, a few blocks away. Through tears I claimed this word for…
All I Want For Christmas…by Diane Fink
Six-year-old Ellie tip-toed up to reach the mailbox, straining to slip her letter in the slot. The address read: Santa Claus North Pole Inside was her Christmas list. What wasn’t written on the letter were her hopes of finding each gift underneath the tree. “Dear Santa, I have been a good girl this year. all…
The Old House – A Christmas Thought…by Jervae Brooks
artwork by Amy Heath When we first moved to the little house and acre of land we purchased on “the Rez” we couldn’t help but notice an old house that we passed every time we drove the 2 miles to or from town. It was 1992 and we had found the home we had been…
Obedience for Snow Tires…by Debra Matthews
The key to keeping revival fires alive – obedience by Debra K. Matthews Winter had arrived and I needed studded tires for my van. As hard as I tried, though, I just didn’t have any extra money to put away for them. The Lord had provided so many things in my life, often just in…
Symphonic Prayer
by Tom Giesecke M.SD. Of all the classical music composers, I consider J.S. Bach the master of harmony. I have set myself the goal to learn and perform or record his six sonatas and partitas for unaccompanied violin. These masterpieces stretch the violinist to maximize the counterpoint available to the instrument. They are rich in…