Category: Uncategorized
A Shepherd’s Call by Barbara Neiman
Ecclesiastes 3: 1-2: There is an appointed time for everything. And there is a time for every event under heaven— a time to give birth, and a time to die, Amos 3:7: Surely the Lord does nothing unless he reveals his secrets to his servants the prophets. On March 1, 2012, God appointed my husband…
What is a Shepherd? by Jenny Anderson
“Shepherds Encounter” By Ann Jackson Hello, my name is Jenny Anderson, and I am a student in Seattle Bible College, studying to be a Pastor. The creative Team was asked to write short stories about Christmas, and I chose to write from the perspective of the shepherds and where I am at in…
“Saint Nicholas” The Amazing History of a Christian Saint by Tom Giesecke. M.D.
“Saint Nicolas in Blue” Colored Pencil by Raisa Estrada Yes, Virginia, there was a Santa Claus, but he was Christian, kinder, and more courageous than the current caricature of commercialized Christmas time. In this article I endeavor to summarize what I found to be the few fairly firm historical facts in stories about Nicholas of…
“It’s About the Message” by Joyce Olsen
Positioned in a valley beneath the Cascade Mountains in Western Oregon, my 40-acre childhood home playground included a river bordering the south of the property, meadows, and a forested area. My parents were devout members of a conservative denomination—a giving, loving, and serving community of believers. Considered impoverished by the world’s standards, Dad and Mom…
“Hearts of Awe and Wonder” by Deb Mathews
“Heart of Praise” Acrylic by Amy J Heath I love every part of the Christmas story. God could have announced the birth of His Son to kings and queens, or to the Pharisees first, but He chose to tell the simple shepherds watching over their flocks by night. Wise shepherds, indeed, as they immediately wanted…
Out of Africa to Seattle Bible College: A Testimony by Student Ceapha Richelieu Anthony Cooper II
Shalom! My name is Ceapha Richelieu Anthony Cooper II. I was born and raised in Monrovia, Liberia. I am one of 6 children and known by most as CR from my childhood days growing up in a small city known as Key Hole, Old Road in Liberia. My parents, Ceapha Richelieu A. Cooper I (now…
Learn While Healing at Seattle Bible College – Enter Through the East Gate: There’s Hope for Today, and it’s Affordable!
Enter through the East Gate: There’s Hope for Today, and it’s affordable! Seattle Bible College A special place like SBC cannot offer what it offers without exceptional people like its Dean, Dr. Kathy Troll. As you’ll learn below, Kathy treats her students like family. Below, two students and a faculty member share their goals, their…
A Biblical Perspective On Life: Insights by Tom Giesecke, M.D. and Pastor John Hammer
God Is Pro-Life By Tom Giesecke, M.D. 10 Things The Church Must Know For Prayer And Response To The Overturning Of Row V. Wade By Pastor John Hammer