By Diane M. Fink

Reviews by Deena Wilson & Amy J. Heath
Deena Wilson: What am I worth? Why am I here? Treasure offers up an inviting story–and who doesn’t love a story?–for wondering hearts, an allegory about unearthing our own “buried treasure.”
Written by Diane as a tribute to her late husband, Chuck, who struggled, like many of us, to fully recognize his own value and gifts, Treasure speaks to the jumbled rubble we can sometimes see when we look at ourselves. It’s just not always easy to see the wealth and beauty God sees in us.
“Maybe…years of disappointment, loss, rejection, unkindnesses or harsh words have buried your treasure so deep you’ve forgotten it’s there. Or perhaps you don’t know there’s a treasure to be found. You live your life from one day to the next fulfilling your responsibilities, but have little time to dream or wonder.” (p 38)
Page by page, Diane draws us into story, into the Scriptures and into what is forever true.
God is “…a very personal God…Every single person is here by design and has a purpose and identity in God. He created you and has had His eye on you since before you were born.” (p 27)
“We are God’s beloved and the best way to love others is to first see the treasure of our own belovedness.” (p 36)
Diane invites us to see the wonder of our inner “treasure”, maybe for the first time. The close of the book offers “Points to Ponder” and blank pages for journaling our own thoughts.
Compact and beautifully designed, this inspiring gift bookis ideal for any special occasion or for an “I’m thinking of you” gift. It’s just the right size to tuck into a purse, gift basket, stocking, or to pop into the mail. Its welcoming tone (no Christianese here) makes it perfect for giving both to fellow believers and those who don’t yet know Jesus.
Treasure is a celebration. It’s all about the healing good news that God, the One who “sees through the lenses of unconditional love”, rejoices over the matchless value in each of us.
Amy Heath:
This mini book packs a powerful punch by uncovering the misperceptions we have about ourselves as God’s treasure. The challenge is to see ourselves as the treasure God made us to be and to believe the Bible when it proclaims that we are precious to Him. Our value is not based on works or what we can do in this life. This book challenges my perception of my identity. The visual art in this book also painted the picture of Diane’s story as I read. A great gift book, you can find it in the Sonrise bookstore or by contacting Diane through her web site at the link below.
Treasure is available in the Sonrise bookstore or by contacting Diane at
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