Blindsided: A Poem By Barbara Neiman

Wrapped in His Love” Mixed Media Painting by Christy Mawet


Poem by Barbara Neiman (c) 2004

Lord, I’m blindsided by your love, a love that won’t lose me in a crowd or abandon me for someone who is more holy. Lord, I’m blown away by that very same love that calls me deep inside to see myself as you do — not small and insignificant, but rather by your sweet grace, someone who is becoming day by day a little more like you.

Lord, I’m awed by your trust in me to tell others about your salvation plan and to share how wonderful it is to be part of your endless quest to help your children know you as you know us.

Lord, I’m bowled over, unprepared for all the ways you surprise me and lift me up to heights my heart can’t contain. You catch my tears of joy and recycle them. Then you reach out to touch me in still more unexpected ways again and again.

Lord, I’m grateful that I’m all I am, and that you never be untrue, even when I fail in so many ways. You’re all I want and all I ever need. So blindside me once again as I’m head over heels in love with you.

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at

About Wrapped in His Love

Modern Art Piece

by Christy Mawet

A young woman wrapped in the arms of her Beloved Lord. Through this intimate relationship with her Lord, with her partnership with the Holy Spirit (dove), and the Word of God, her Beloved is able to give her keys that will unlock many doors. These keys will unlock doors that lead to giftings and revelations that her Lord has for her. Also together, her and her Beloved will unlock doors of unresolved issues and woundings of her soul that have been closed to her for a long time. This will bring much healing.

If you could get close to the canvas, you will see that her face is painted over the lyrics (sheet music) of the Gospel Song: ‘It Is Well With My Soul’. Her Lord’s robe (the yellow part) is also all hymns and songs that have been painted over.

A modern mixed-medium piece using acrylics, modeling paste, keys, iridescent and fluorescent paint… and sheet music!

Christy Mawet: Prophetic Art is part of the multi-colored, creative expression of how we worship our Lord. I love it! I now paint a form of live demonstration Art during worship services at my church, at large conferences and special events. I started out many years ago studying Art at W.W.University and pursued it more seriously as an oil portrait painter studying under Master Artist Ron Lucas. I now paint in acrylics, mixed-media, collages and inks. Website:

One response to “Blindsided: A Poem By Barbara Neiman”

  1. I love Barbara’s poem and Christie’s painting. Together they are full of the loving closeness and comfort of the Lord!

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