“Authority” A Prophetic Painting by Heidi Solie

“Authority” mixed media by Heidi Solie

I painted this picture because it reminds me of our authority in Christ. I do not appreciate physical snakes, but they are a representation of spiritual beings. It is so amazing to me how,
through the powerful sacrifice Christ made for us to bring us into right relationship with God, we have been given the authority to cast out demons. During times of spiritual attack, Luke 10:19-21 is a favorite of mine to stand on. Lo, I give to you the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you; but, in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subjected to you, but rejoice rather that your names were written in the heavens.’1 In that hour was Jesus glad in
the Spirit, and said, `I do confess to thee, Father, Lord of the heaven and of the earth, that Thou didst hide these things from wise men and understanding, and didst reveal them to babes; yes, Father, because so it became good pleasure before Thee. I often use it in deliverance, an area I feel most called to. During deliverance, the demons often try to distract and lie. and to convince you that you don’t have the power to cast them out. 
I prefer the Young’s Literal Translation because, in the King James Version, the word power is used two times, but they are actually two different words.  The first word used for power is exousia, the word “authority” in the Greek. The word derives from the verb exesti for “it is lawful”. The second word used for power is dunamis in the Greek, meaning “power”, “potential”
or “ability”.
I was born again in October 2018. I am an ex-witch, and the process of coming out of the occult was a brutal battle that really began when I gave my life to Christ because I had opened many doors to the enemy. I had constant panic attacks and insomnia. Searching for peace, I was led to watch Derek Prince’s Sermon How to Pass from Curse to Blessing. At the end is a very powerful prayer which I stood up and repeated:  
Lord Jesus Christ, 
I believe that you are the son of God. And the only way to God. That you died on the
cross for my sins. And rose again from the dead. I renounce all my sins, and I turn to you Lord Jesus for mercy, and for forgiveness, and I believe you do forgive me and from now on I want to live for you. I want to hear your voice and do what you tell me in order to receive your blessing Lord, and to be released from any curse over my life. First of all, I confess any known sin committed by me, or by any of my ancestors, or others related to me. (Put in anything you need to confess Let the Holy Spirit show you what you need to
specify). Lord, I thank you, and I believe you have forgiven me for everything that I’ve confessed. And Lord, now I want to say that I also forgive all other persons, whoever harmed me or wronged me. I forgive them all now, as I would have God forgive me. In particular, I forgive…(name the persons you need to forgive; be as thorough as you can)
Furthermore Lord I renounce any contact by myself or any related to me, with Satan or with occult power in any form. Or any kind of secret society. Also, Lord, I commit myself to remove from my house any kind of occult objects that honor Satan, and dishonor Jesus Christ. With your help Lord, I will remove them all. And now Lord Jesus, I thank you further that on the cross you were made a curse so that I might be redeemed from the curse and might receive the blessing. And because of what you did for me on the cross. I now release myself from every curse, and every evil influence, and every dark shadow over me or my family from any source so ever. I release myself now. In the name of Jesus,
Derek said don’t focus on the manifestation. Focus on the reality of Christ in your
prayer. Nothing happened right away, but I went to sleep for a bit until I was woken up by a shadowy figure coming towards me very fast. It began choking me. From the little I knew about Christianity, I was prompted by the Holy Spirit to say. I am a child of the Living God. I am anointed in the blood of Jesus! When I said Jesus, the grip of the choking intensified, and I was
almost not able to get his name out, but as soon as I did, I felt what was like a big bubble of evil in my stomach unlock and come up and out of the top of my head. And peace fell on the room.
The experience was so powerful I felt like I had to write it down. I wrote, There was a monster in my room tonight. Jesus set me free.  The demons look intimidating and try to instill fear in us. But thankfully we have authority in Christ Jesus. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. 2 Corinthians 10:3 (YLT) 
I always did art before being saved, but I gave it up for a while because it didn’t seem useful anymore. A friend of mine told me I should write verses in calligraphy. I began doing so and eventually mixed the calligraphy with paintings and drawings. God leads me in ways to create artwork that will glorify him. 
When I need an increase of faith, I go back to my testimony to remember what God has delivered me from. I also go back to look at the verses I have written out and drawn, and I am reminded of all the revelation I have been given as the word is written on my heart. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12
I pray you stand in your authority. Build yourself up in the Spirit. Draw close to him while he is near. Give no room to the devil. Stomp on the snakes and scorpions in your life.

Watch Derick Prince’s Teaching Sermon How to Pass from Curse to Blessing

Heidi Solie grew up in Yakima, WA.  She is a mom. She loves to spend time with her kids, sing and worship, go on walks, and read the Bible. She has been a believer since 2018. 

4 responses to ““Authority” A Prophetic Painting by Heidi Solie”

  1. I’m love your testimony of freedom and staying grace. Thank you for sharing

  2. God bless you Heidi! Jesus is the Gret Deliverer!

  3. God bless you Heidi! Jesus is the Great Deliverer!

  4. What a beautiful drawing and powerful testimony. 🙂 I like that you added Derek Prince’s from curse to blessing so that people can experience a release themselves.

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