So … what’s with the big red – crooked! – question mark we’re seeing in the church foyer?
You might have heard the Sunday announcements about Alpha starting at Sonrise. But with all the great announcements each week, you also might have questions. Well, let me tell you all about Alpha and how you can experience an Alpha group yourself.
I have been interested to learn about Alpha too, because when I was traveling to other nations in my work for Aglow International, I often heard about Alpha groups. So when Alpha began right here at Sonrise I jumped at the chance to check it out. My husband Dwight and I have been serving as table helpers during this most recent session of Alpha, and I am happy to share what it’s all about. We have enjoyed our experience very much.
In a nutshell, Alpha groups create space for honest conversations about life, faith, and meaning. Sounds good, right? Let’s learn more… *
Alpha exists all over the world. The mission of Alpha is to help individuals discover and develop a relationship with Jesus. People at churches just like Sonrise all over this nation and beyond, have become trained in leading Alpha groups. It’s estimated that in the last three years alone, more than a million people in the U.S. have experienced Alpha groups for themselves.
Alpha helps create a space for honest conversation around some of life’s biggest questions. It is designed to provide guests an opportunity to connect with one another while providing the opportunity to share thoughts, ideas, and opinions in a safe and caring environment. Alpha helps bring people together while providing the chance to encounter Jesus.
Alpha is a group that meets weekly at church for 9 weeks, with a foundational goal to create a space for honest conversations about life, faith, and meaning through informal discussions around a dinner table. Alpha guests enjoy a delicious hot meal together – lovingly prepared and served here at Sonrise by our own Steve and Laurel Skoog, followed by watching a 20-minute video on the topic of the week. And all of this is provided free of charge!
After the video the guests at each table talk about what that topic means to them. No long teachings. Just a judgement-free space to ask hard questions and share your own opinion. Whether you’ve walked with the Lord for many years or are just beginning to develop your own personal relationship with Jesus, there is a place at the Alpha table for you!
The Alpha talks are designed to engage people from all walks of life and inspire conversation. They explore the big issues of life and faith and unpack the basics of Christian belief, addressing questions like “Who is Jesus?”, “Why and how do I pray?”, and “How does God guide us?”
One of the most important parts of any Alpha is the chance to share thoughts and ideas on the topic in a small group format. Guests hear from others and have an opportunity to contribute/share in a judgement-free environment.
The word “Alpha” comes from the first letter of the Greek alphabet ad symbolizes a beginning or starting point of a journey. In the Bible Jesus refers to Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end (Revelation 1:8,11; 21:6;22:13).
*Information above was taken from the Alpha group website.
I recently spoke with Pastor Craig Gorc, Executive Pastor here at Sonrise and leader of the Sonrise Alpha group. Here are his comments to my questions:

Pastor Gorc, how did you decide to begin Alpha group here at Sonrise?
I was on staff at a church when Alpha first made its debut in the US when it was VHS tapes, and the Alpha leader, Nicky Gumble, was basically teaching. Fast-forward from then to five years ago, when I was on staff at another church and ran Alpha for 3 years, three times each year. That content was basically the same as before but now it was produced as a “film series”. I saw the fruit this brought to a natural way that people learn and discover, around interacting on presented content. When I was coming on staff at Sonrise Christian Center, Pastor John and I talked about the possibility of starting Alpha within the first few years.
I understand this current session of Alpha is completing on November 15. When will Alpha begin again?
We will run Alpha three times a year for 9 weeks at a time. The next sign up will be available at the end of November, with groups to begin in January, 2024.
How can people sign up to attend?
On our website, We keep this sign-up information available all year round. Alpha groups will meet after the first of the year, following Easter, and then beginning in September.
Pastor Gorc, why do you feel Alpha is helpful for new Christians as well as those who have walked with God for years?
Most evangelistic methods have historically included a declaration-based proclamation of the gospel; however, proclamation alone represents only a partial picture of how people come to discover their need for Christ. Alpha presents the benefit of an approach with a conversational and relational emphasis to increase openness to the gospel. Connecting a spiritual seeker to an atmosphere where their honest questions can be brought up without being lectured to, judged, or feeling out of place plays a significant role in customizing the spiritual journey for maximum receptivity.
Alpha incorporates the reality that all people are on a spiritual discovery journey, and providing a safe place for question-asking within a relational conversational atmosphere accelerates the discovery process. When approaching spiritual discovery like this we all begin from the posture of humility where no one is coming as the expert. Alpha is a great tool assisting people to chart their spiritual journey.
Dwight and I have been blessed by our Alpha group experience, and I’m confident you will be too. Please consider attending an upcoming session of Alpha and experience it for yourself! Check it out at:
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