A Song of Praise by John Woodbery

“The Fragrance of Praise to Jesus” watercolor by Ann Jackson

Song composed and played by Dr. Tom Giesecke


Verse 1

You are the Mighty One

   And I lift my voice to say,

Mountains that seem as obstacles

   Are only hills as I pray.


Fill my heart Oh Lord,

   With all You contain.

Let my actions show

   The glory of Your reign.

Verse 2

Hail You oh Mighty One

   Who sits on His Holy throne,

Hail to You oh great Mighty One

   We can always call our own.


Fill my heart Oh Lord,

   With all You contain.

Let my actions show

   The glory of Your reign

Verse 3

Hail You Lord of all right,

   Hail to You wonderful King.

As I praise you Lord willingly,

   Let my praises always ring.


Fill my heart Oh Lord,

   With all You contain.

Let my actions show

   The glory of Your reign

Lyrics by John Woodbery (July 19, 2021)

John Woodbery (Author)A retired lawyer, John writes novels, short stories, poetry, commentaries on legal subjects, even a song (!). Find his suspense novels on Amazon: Hidden, Earl’s RetreatTwo Tombs Covers.

One response to “A Song of Praise by John Woodbery”

  1. Beautiful words and violin accompaniment!

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