Love is An “And” Thing/The Apprenticeship: Poems by Barbara Neiman


“Heart Travel” Acrylic by Amy J Heath

Love Is An “And” Thing

Love isn’t an either or thing

Love is a give and take thing

Love is a talk and listen thing

Love isn’t a closed ears thing

Love is an open heart thing

Love isn’t really a thing


A commitment that’s

Always growing and becoming…

Not stopping  and starting

But thriving and expanding…

Not grabbing and controlling

But living and breathing…

Learning and returning

Melting and stirring

Seeking and sharing

Growing and on going…

An eternity reaching

Ever increasing

Never ceasing



“Pilgrims Cross” watercolor by Amy J Heath

The Apprenticeship

Sometimes I get so discouraged

With the apprenticeship I must serve

I want to write enlightening words

That will burn in the souls of men

I desire to share the places I’ve been

To see on your faces

That we’ve kindred spirits

Struggling to the same journey’s end

Frustrations, slowness, losses, set backs

Make me feel like abandoning the call

Sometimes I forget

Our Lord had to fall…

To rise again, to carry on

Even when He knew the tortured end

I remind myself He had to serve

Where He wasn’t recognized or appreciated

So I’ll take up my cross

And carry on…

Reminding myself of whose apprentice

I am

Barbara Neiman: Author. With God’s guidance I’ve written four books, led writers support groups, and taught workshops under the title of Truly Creative Writing.  
I so deeply enjoy life with the awesome relationship I have with God and appreciate how He uses me as a writer and speaker and having the gift of personal prophecies is a very special sweet spot in my life too, because I get to be a link between God and man to deliver His loving blessings to those He chooses.  Reach me at

2 responses to “Love is An “And” Thing/The Apprenticeship: Poems by Barbara Neiman”

  1. Beautiful poems of your spirit and soul, Barbara! Thank you for sharing them.

  2. Thankyou Barbara for your poems. They were words of encouragement to keep me on the trail

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